Nick Peron

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Araña - Heart of the Spider #6

Anya Corazon has been at a very tense coffee date between her friend Lynn and Jon Kasiya — an assassin for the Sisterhood of Wasps named Amun — when a jealous lover begins opening fire with a gun. Quickly, Anya uses the table to shield Lynn, while Jon continues to sit unflinchingly in his chair. When the shooter points his gun at Jon, Anya quickly tosses a container of sugar at the shooter and then leaps to shove Jon out of the way. However, this save proves unnecessary as the blow from the sugar knocks the shooter out. Seeing that Jon had drawn one of his trademark daggers leaves Anya to wonder if he intended on using it on her or the shooter. Coming up from cover, Lynn asks who stopped the shooter and Anya tells her that Jon did it in order to maintain her cover, making Lynn even more smitten by the new student. That’s when the police arrive on the scene to take control of the situation. As the police are collecting statements and evidence, Anya wonders why she went out of her way to save the life of her enemy.

Elsewhere, Nina Smith brings Miguel Legar back to his apartment for the first time since he was injured in a battle with Anum. she wants to come in and cook him the first solid meal he’s had since his accident, but he locks himself inside his apartment so he can finally have some time alone. Returning to her van, Nina contacts Ted Mankowski — the Spider Society’s resident hacker — to tap into the security cameras around to keep an eye on things while Miguel continues to recover.

By this point, Anya, Lynn, and Jon have been taken to the police station to give statements. Having a moment alone, Jon asks Anya why she saved his life earlier. She admits that she didn’t know at first either, but she decided that it wasn’t her place to just let him die, even if he is a sworn enemy. Jon is impressed as she is the first person to show her respect since arriving in America and didn’t expect it from her. He then vows to her that he’ll keep her identity a secret from the Sisterhood of the Wasp and won’t target her family anymore as thanks for saving his life. That’s when Vincent, who is listed as Jon’s legal guardian, arrives to pick him up. When Anya threatens to squeal on the both of them, he tells her not to screw things up for the both of them. When she asks why if this makes them best friends all of a sudden, he tells her that they are, for now. As Jon and Vincent leave the police station, Anya’s father, Gil, comes racing inside. As they leave, Vincent explains that Miguel is still weak and that they should eliminate him while they have the chance. When Amun learns that Araña is the more powerful of the two, as all hunters are, he asks how the Sisterhood managed to kill her predecessor while their mage, Miguel, survived. All Vincent tells him is that it is a story for another time. Back inside the police station, Anya is reunited with her father who is glad to hear that she is safe. After telling him everything that happened he goes to get Anya and Lynn something to drink. That’s when Anya gets a call from Nina Smith who asks Anya to help watch Miguel, as she fears that his recovery might make him a target.

Later that evening, Vincent, Amun, and a group of Wasps are able to sneak into Miguel’s apartment building with various spells. However, when they reach his apartment room, Vincent and Amun are about to eliminate him when suddenly Araña arrives and takes out the guards outside Miguel’s room. Summoning her carapace, Araña is about to battle both Vincent and Amun when Miguel summons the strength to cast a binding spell. This allows Araña to grab Miguel and carry him back to Webcorps. There, she reminds him that he relies on her and not the other way around and from now on he’s going to let her protect him for once. Later, sitting alone in an office, Anya realizes that she has fully embraced her destiny and wonders if her mother ever knew that this is what her daughter was destined to become.

Recurring Characters

Araña, Miguel Legar, Amun, Nina Smith, Ted Mankowski, Gil Corazon, Vincent, Lynn