Nick Peron

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Avengers (vol. 3) #9

The Villain Who Fell From Grace With the Earth


The Avengers have tracked down Moses Magnum to the Evangelene, a massive cruise ship resort off the coast of Alberia. While Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, and Firestar sneak in from the sea below, the Scarlet Witch, Justice, and their ally Silverclaw have all infiltrated the vessel posing as tourists. Captain America tells everyone to get into position and hopes that whatever comes next they don’t cause an international incident. He then thinks back to how they got to this point…

Following their earlier clash with Moses Magnum — in which the villain stole a seismic cannon — the team has been trying to find clues as to where he is located. They have also welcomed Silverclaw, aka Maria de Guadalupe Santiago, a young woman that Jarvis had been sponsoring for years who just recently came to New York to study at Empire State University. Jarvis is surprised to learn that Maria has super-human powers. She explains that her abilities are her birthright as a daughter of the volcano gods of her people.[1]

That’s when the Scarlet Witch comes down for breakfast and everyone notices how radiant she looks. None of them know that Wanda had a romantic evening with the deceased Wonder Man except for the Vision who accidentally walked in on them. However, he keeps silent about this.[2][3] Firestar decides to take this chance to ask Wanda for advice. She explains that using her microwave powers puts her at risk of becoming sterile something that terrifies Angelica since she wants to eventually have children. Wanda understands how the risks are terrifying for her and thinks she might know a way to help her out.[4] That’s when the Vision receives an emergency distress call. It turns out to be from the new hero Triathlon who stowed away aboard Magnum’s ship during the battle. He tells them where to find Magnum and that he intends on using the seismic cannon to try and appease someone named Apocalypse by killing millions of people.[5] Having heard about Apocalypse from the X-Men, Captain America quickly mobilized the team to stop Magnum….

… By this time, the Avengers have gotten into the restricted parts of the ship and begin taking down the guards and security systems as they make their way to Magnum. Along the way, Hawkeye bumps into Triathlon and the pair make their way through the ventilation ducts to the spot where Moses has stored the seismic cannon. Along the way, Hawkeye decides to find out everything he can about the young hero. Triathlon is pretty candid about his past, revealing that he is actually Delroy Garrett, Jr. a disgraced Olympian who was stripped of his medals and titles after testing positive for steroids. Seeking to turn his life around, Garrett joined a new age group calling itself the Triune Understanding. Through their teachings, Delroy eventually unlocked his potential granting him the strength, agility, and speed of three men.[6] Clint heard that the Triune Understand was some kind of cult, but before he can get anymore answers, they finally reach Magnum’s lab.

They discover that Magnum is using the seismic cannon to boost his powers. In doing so, he causes enough vibrations to cause Hawkeye and Triathlon to come tumbling out of the ventilation shaft, blowing their cover. The other Avengers rush to their aid and in the ensuing battle the Scarlet Witch tries to use her powers to try and contain those of Moses Magnum.[7] Unfortunately, Magnum is able to knock her out before she can completely subdue him. Amazingly, Wanda’s injury causes Wonder Man to manifest through his own free will and he ambushes Magnum. The attack sends the pair flying out of the ship and onto a nearby island. There, everyone discovers that Magnum hadn’t lost his powers and was trying to get them back, he had actually lost control. Believing that his lack of control is punishment from Apocalypse, Magnum begins to panic.[7] This causes a hole to open in the ground that Magnum falls into. Iron Man tries to follow to save his life but the hole quickly closes up before he can get a chance.[8]

In the aftermath of the battle, the Scarlet Witch watches as Wonder Man fades away again and wonders why and how he keeps coming back. Hawkeye, on the other hand, is impressed with the way that Justice, Firestar, and Silverclaw handled themselves in battle making what he is going to do next much easier.

Back in New York, the Avengers bid farewell to Triathlon and Silverclaw who are going back to their individual lives. Wanda assures the Vision that her injuries are only superficial. When everyone notices that Hawkeye hasn’t been seen all day, Jarvis finds out why when he finds a message clipped to the door of the fridge. In it, Clint explains that he’s going to be gone for a while but tells them to keep a light in the window as he could be back when they least expect it.[9]

Recurring Characters

Avengers (Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Justice, Firestar), Moses Magnum, Silverclaw, Edwin Jarvis, Triathlon, Wonder Man

Continuity Notes

  1. Maria’s origins are explored in greater detail in Avengers (vol. 3) #28.

  2. Wonder Man died battling the Kree in Force Works #1. However, he has been temporarily brought back to life on a number of occasions by the Scarlet Witch’s hex power since Avengers (vol. 3) #2. It’s revealed in issue #11 that he has been straddling between life and death due to his love of the Scarlet Witch. She and Simon bumped uglies last issue.

  3. The tension between Wanda and the Vision is that they were once married, as seen in Giant-Size Avengers #4. Years later, the Vision was disassembled and put back together in West Coast Avengers (vol. 2) #42-45. Although his mind was restored he no longer had any emotional connection to his past memories. Although he had his ability to feel restored in Avengers Spotlight #40, he had long since been estranged from Wanda and has been pushing her away since he was seriously injured in Avengers (vol. 3) #3. He will be full repaired in issue #12.

  4. Firestar learned that using his microwave powers at high intensity could make her infertile back in New Warriors #63-64. The last time she used her powers at a dangerous level like this was in issue #7. Wanda’s suggestion is to seek the help of Hank Pym, who will develop a mesh that Angelica will wear under her costume that will cure her of her condition, as seen in issue #12.

  5. It has been previously revealed in Classic X-Men #25 that the source of Moses Magnum’s seismic power had come from the mutant Apocalypse.

  6. Delroy’s understanding of his powers is incorrect. As revealed in Avengers (vol. 3) #50, his abilities come from tapping the powers of the original 3-D Man. The Triune Understanding was formed to prevent the destruction of the Earth at the hands of the so-called “Triple Evil” as seen in issue #50.

  7. Magnum mentions his various defeats at the hands of Power Man, the X-Men, the Black Panther, and Deathlok. See Power Man Annual #1, X-Men #118-119, and Deathlok (vol. 2) #11 and 22-25.

  8. Although thought to perish here, Magnum will turn up alive again a few years later. Civil War: Battle Damage Report #1 will list him as one of the participants of the Pan-African Congress on the Treatment of Super Humans and he will be back to his old criminal ways again in Amazing Spider-Man #577.

  9. Hawkeye is going off to investigate the Thunderbolts to make sure that they are on the up-and-up. This is after the Avengers exposed the group as former members of the Masters of Evil in Thunderbolts #12. The group still continued to operate, having grown to like their new roles as superheroes. Hawkeye’s investigation will lead to him joining the team in Thunderbolts #21.