Nick Peron

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Captain America #214



Hired to assassinate a defector by the Corporation, the Night Flyer had gone to the SHIELD hospital where the Defector was recovering from injuries. Falling for a decoy, the Night Flyer is then surrounded by a blinded Steve Rogers, the Falcon, and a company of SHIELD agents.[1] Although he is captured, the Night Flyer assures them that he will get away and eliminate his target. Suddenly, the assassin unleashes a powerful blast of energy from his body that knocking everyone aside.

Even though he can’t see, Steve Rogers fumbles around trying to stop the Flyer and almost gets shot in the head for his troubles. The Night Flyer then escapes into the hallway and begins searching the facility for the Defector.

As the alarm is sound, Falcon tells Steve to stay behind while he and the other SHIELD agents deal with the situation. Although they catch up with their assailant, the Night Flyer is able to overpower them all.

Hearing the sound of battle outside, Steve can’t sit on the sidelines and do nothing. Despite his handicap, he puts on his Captain America costume and relies on his other senses to try and find the Night Flyer. When he finds his foe, the Night Flyer is locking the Falcon behind a steel door. He is greeted by another mole within SHIELD who tells the Night Flyer that he knows where the Defector has been taken. That’s when Captain America tries to ambush them. Seeing Steve fighting without his eyesight, the Falcon begins trying to smash his way out. Unable to break open the door, he quickly uses a metal bar to try and pry it open.

It’s by this time that SHIELD operatives have detected discovered that the Night Flyer’s hang glider has been circling around the building from the air. Fearing that it may contain some powerful weapons, the fire missiles at the glider and blow it out of the sky. This causes the Night Flyer to drop dead. As SHIELD agents secure the area, they notice that the Flyer’s body has turned into dead tissues, leaving many unanswered questions as to his origins.[2] With the spy within SHIELD captured, Captain America discovers that his vision has returned. When he suggests that he and Falcon report to Nick Fury, Falcon says that can wait because they need to celebrate.

Recurring Characters

Captain America, Falcon, Night Flyer, SHIELD

Continuity Notes

  1. Captain America was blinded during his battle against the Red Skull and Arnim Zola in Captain America #212.

  2. The origins of the Night Flyer remain unexplained. This is also not the end of him either. His body is stolen by the Corruptor to use against the Hulk in Incredible Hulk #263-264.