Nick Peron

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Captain America #234

Burn, Cap, Burn!


Exposed to mind control gas by Doctor Faustus, Captain America is then used as the spokesperson for the National Front, a Neo-Nazi organization fronted by Faustus. In a mock battle against a gang of African-Americans, Captain America spouts the organization’s racist ideals and when he voices his support for the Front, he shows off his shield which has been repainted, replacing the stars-and stripes with an emblazoned Nazi swastika.

When this video airs on television, it is viewed by Foggy Nelson, Becky Blake, and Matt Murdock. Nelson can hardly believe that Captain America would support the National Front.[1] Murdock, “reading” a newspaper headline about Cap’s earlier clash with National Front in Harlem is inclined to agree. When Foggy suggest they all go out for supper, Matt decides to stay behind so he can change into Daredevil and investigate what’s going on with Captain America.[2]

Traveling across the city by rooftop, Daredevil’s radar sense picks up a police chase with members of the National Front. When the police car’s tires are shot out, Daredevil swings down and rescues a newspaper vendor from being struck by the car. When the danger is passed, Daredevil learns from one of the offices on the scene that the District Attorney’s office is finally cracking down on the organization. Picking up the trail of the shooter’s car, Daredevil follows it back to a warehouse on the waterfront. There he is caught snooping around by Doctor Faustus and the Grand Director who order their mind-controlled Captain America to attack the intruder. In the ensuing battle, the pair land on a pile of oil drums, causing their contents to splash onto Captain America’s shield. This causes the swastika paint-job to rub off revealing the original star-and-stripe pattern underneath. Seeing his trademark weapon restored to its former glory causes Captain America to shake off the effects of the mind control gas.

Unfortunately by this point, Doctor Faustus has gotten his loyal minions to surround them with guns and orders the Grand Director that he knows what to do next.

Recurring Characters

Captain America, Daredevil, National Force (Doctor Faustus, Grand Director), Foggy Nelson, Becky Blake

Continuity Notes

  1. Foggy Nelson mentions how he was recently subject to a media smear campaign orchestrated by the Jester. That was in Daredevil #133-137.

  2. Here, Daredevil reminds himself that he is never going to turn his back on his friends again. This is a reference to Daredevil #147-151, when Matt discovered that Maxwell Glenn committed crimes while influenced by the Purple Man. While trying to clear Glenn’s name, Maxwell committed suicide. When his daughter Heather stumbled upon Matt’s secret identity she blamed him for her father’s suicide since it was Daredevil who led to his arrest. Murdock was about to give up on being Daredevil until his alter-ego was instrumental in saving the life of a child hit by a car.

Topical References

  • The television in Matt Murdock’s apartment is depicted as a CRT television that uses an antenna to pick up television reception. This should be considered topical as it is an obsolete technology.