Nick Peron

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Combat Kelly #33

Combat Kelly

July 17 1955, American air-force pilots Ted Holden and Mike Higgins are flying over the pacific when they are suddenly shot at by artillery cannons. Spotting the island where the shots came from they decide to land to find out who was responsible. To their surprise they are attacked by soldiers that are a remnant of the Imperial Japanese army from World War II. The Japanese soldiers try to take the two Americans prisoner, but they explain that the war is 10 years over and that American won. Unbelieving this turn of events the Japanese soldiers are convinced when they are shown a newspaper with the day's date and examine the aircraft that the Americans flew in.

Realizing the truth, the commanding officer tells them that they were part of a detachment that was battling American forces on Onna Atoll in 1944. As Combat Kelly, Cookie Novak and other American forces fought back, the Japanese were forced to pull back to an island on the atoll that was connected to the main mass by a bridge. Holding their position the Japanese were unable to stop Combat from rushing out to the bridge and lobbing an explosive at it. The resulting explosion destroyed the bridge and sent the island floating adrift into the ocean.

With is story told, the commanding officer tells the two Air Force pilots that they did not see anymore American planes and went about their lives thinking the war was still on. Convinced that they can repair the flak damage from the previous attack, the two Americans tell the soldiers that they will contact the authorities and have them brought home.

Recurring Characters

  • Combat Kelly

  • Cookie Novak

  • Captain Thorn

Foy-Yun, the Gorilla!

Combat Kelly and Cookie Novak and their fellow soldiers are pinned between Chinese soldiers and guerrilla fighters commanded by Foy-Yun. When the Chinese send a motorcycle loaded with explosives down, Combat tosses his rifle and bayonet into the ground, creating a crude ramp for the motorcycle to clear over their fox hole and go crashing into the guerrillas decimating their ranks in the resulting explosion. The Americans then manage to fight the Chinese into submission.

Later, when news reaches Foy-Yun about his minions failure he begins stepping up his acts of sabotage to the American troops. With security on alert, Combat Kelly spots someone during the most recent attack and tackles that person, but he is surprised when it turns out to be a woman. She explains that she is Soo-Lu a South Korean who has been forced to fight for Foy-Yun as her family is being held hostage by the Chinese, much like all the other warriors in Foy-Yun's guerrilla army.

With Foy-Yun plotting another attack, Soo-Lu agrees to show Combat and Cookie where the hostages are being kept and assists them in freeing them. When Fou-Yun is about to attack Combat and Cookie present the freed hostages and Fou-Yun's army suddenly turns on him, beating him into submission.

Recurring Characters

  • Combat Kelly

  • Cookie Novak