Nick Peron

View Original

Combat Kelly #37

All Quiet on the Fox Company Front!

October 15, 1952: Combat Kelly and Cookie Novak are part of Fox Company in Korea. The normally wisecracking group is experiencing low morale after their captain was captured by the communist army during the day's combat. While not far away the commanding officer of the communists is celebrating his victory, having issued the members of Fox Company an ultimatum: Let his troops through their lines within the next 24 hours or their beloved captain will be killed.

With time running out the second in command sends Combat and Cookie out to capture some communist soldiers to try and find out what they are planning and where the captain is being held. However when their captives refuse to talk, the second in command has no choice but to set them loose with a message that they intend to comply with their leader's demands.

Or at least that's how it seems when the communist forces advance with the captain as their prisoner. However when they pass through Fox Company's lines, they are shocked when the American soldiers pop out of hidden dug outs in the ground and begin opening fire, capturing the communist commander, saving their captain and sending the enemy forces fleeing back to their lines.

Recurring Characters

  • Combat Kelly

  • Cookie Novak

The Last Battle Ground!

March 1st 1943: Combat and Cookie are out on patrol in the deserts of Africa when they spot a Nazi jeep chasing after a woman riding on a camel. They come to the girl's rescue, trashing the jeep and subduing the Nazis on board. They learn that the Nazis were chasing her because her father has a nearby watering hold by a pyramid which the Nazis are seeking to water their troops and keep their equipment cool. She offers the water to the Americans in exchange for protection from the Nazis and Combat and Cookie take her and their prisoners back to the American camp where they tell their commanding officer about the water.

The next morning they realize that the Nazi prisoners have escaped, likely to inform their commander Erwin Rommel of the location of water. Soon it is a race against time as the Americans try to catch up to the Nazis and stop them from getting to the water. However the hot desert son causes their vehicles to overheat. However, their vehicles die near the pyramid and the girl's father offers them camels to ride to the watering hole. Sure enough the camels provide fleeter transport to the water and soon the Americans secure the position and send Rommel and his forces fleeing.

Recurring Characters

  • Combat Kelly

  • Cookie Novak

  • Erwin Rommel

Cookie's Combat Course: Out Fighting Men!

Cookie educates the reader on the different medals infantry soldiers can be awarded for their combat duties.

Recurring Characters

  • Cookie Novak

Don't Let Them Get Through!

Combat Kelly and Cookie Novak are with Fox Company attempting to liberate a Korean town. After days worth of conflict the soldiers manage to force the last of the enemy soldiers out, but at the expense of all their ammunition leaving them open to be pushed back out. With supplies on the way, the commanding officer sends Combat and Cookie out to spy on enemy troop movements to see what is going on.

Combat and Cookie spot enemy tanks heading their way and manage to take over one when they knock out the driver with a rock. However while they are trying to figure out how the controls work, the tank takes a direct hit from another enemy tank. This cause the tank to catch fire and Combat and Cookie abandon the damaged tank just in time to get clear of the explosion. Due to the fact that the tanks are caught in a tight canyon, the explosions catch the next tank, and the next, and the one after that until all the tanks have been destroyed by fire, leaving the path clear for reinforcements to arrive with new supplies for the Americans.

Recurring Characters

  • Combat Kelly

  • Cookie Novak