Nick Peron

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Crash Comics #4



A yacht headed for America travels across the Mediterranean Sea comes across a boat with refugees from the nation of Scanlandia. Brought aboard, they tell Percy Van Norton that they were forced to leave their country by an invading enemy. The were then left adrift and with a damaged radio. Hearing all of this, Percy goes back below deck where he changes into the Strongman, determined to go back to Europe to do something about the situation. Diving into the water, the Strongman then swims to the shores of Scanlandia and rushes to the capital city. Asking around, he learns that President Gregory has fled his people. Searching the city, the Strongman discovers that the country had been usurped by Moslav, an international tyrant.

Recalling how Gregory was a woodsman before being elected to power, the Strongman deduces that the ousted leader may have sought refuge in the nearby forests. Searching the wilderness, the Strongman locates President Gregory and his loyal followers and convinces them to fight to liberate their land. On their way out of the cave they have been calling home, the resistance fighters are concerned when they are spotted by one Moslav’s aerial patrols. Their location is reported back to General Molsav who orders a bombing attack.

The Strongman gets the rebels to safety and then begins systematically dismantling Moslav’s regime. After doing so, the Strongman recognizes the weapons being used as ones created by an American company. Taking a plane, the Strongman takes a plane and flies it back to the United States. An enemy soldier tries to follow after him, but the hero tosses a chain at the propellor of the enemy plane causing both aircraft to crash into the ocean. Surviving the crash, the Strongman then swims the rest of the way to America. There he confronts the owner of the munitions company and learns that he was actually intending to give his aircraft to the people of Scanlandia but Moslav’s armies raided the shipment and took it for their own.

The Strongman agrees to help protect a second shipment and keep Molsav’s from claiming them. Getting the weapons to the resistance, they manage to eliminate Molsav’s armies and killing the dictator in the process. With the conflict over, the Strongman locates President Gregory and informs him that his company has been liberated. Returning to his yacht, where he changes back into his civilian identity of Percy Van Norton and convinces his socialite friends that he was sleeping the entire time.

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