Nick Peron

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Hulk Comic #43

The Black Knight


Under the care of Merlyn, Captain Britain tries to piece together memories from the recent past…

As dark forces attack the plane Captain Britain leaps from the craft in order to spare the passengers. Landing in the ocean below he finds himself washed up on mysterious island on which sat three standing stones.

Witnessing the three impossibly old stones in the rising sunlight was an awe inspiring thing to behold however some unseen force tore the memory from his mind and he passed out. When Captain Britain awoke again he found himself on the sore of the mainland with no memory of what has transpired.

… When Captain Britain finishes his recollection, Merlyn tells both Brian and the Black Knight that the Captain survived a great struggle between two supernatural powers. In the end, the power of good triumphed over evil leaving Merlyn to believe that Captain Britain was guided by the spirit of King Arthur himself.

Recurring Characters

Black Knight, Captain Britain, Merlyn

NEXT: Hulk Comic in the 1980s