Nick Peron

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Journey into Mystery #115

The Vengeance of the Thunder God!


Learning that Loki had kidnapped Jane Foster and brought her to Asgard, Thor confronts his step-brother in battle. Although Thor has never been more furious, Loki’s enchanted blade is able to hold up against the power of Mjolnir, at least for now.

While back on Earth, police on the lookout for Crusher Creel — aka the Absorbing Man — happen upon reporter Harris Hobbs. After establishing his credentials, Hobbs tells them of Creel’s battle with Thor and how the escaped convict can absorb the properties of anything that touches him. While not far away, the Absorbing Man seeks to find a place to lay low. He happens upon a nearby house and forces his way inside and takes the owners hostage.

Meanwhile, the battle between Thor and Loki rages on until it is interrupted by Odin. The All-Father demands to know what the meaning of the battle is for. Loki, ever the deceiver, tries to convince Odin that Thor had brought Jane Foster to Asgard. Before Thor can begin to defend himself, Jane collapses because the experience has been far too much for her to handle. Odin decides to take Loki’s word for it and has had enough for Thor constantly disobeying him. He now decrees that it is time for the Trial of the Gods. He does agree to give Thor 48 hours to get his matters on Earth in order before the trial.

Returning to Earth with Jane Foster, Thor puts her in bed before going out to search for the Absorbing Man. While Creel continues to terrorize his hostages, Thor catches up with the police dragnet searching for the criminal. Thor warns the officers that Crusher Creel is too powerful for them to handle. However, they happen upon the house Creel is hiding in before he can convince the officers and Harris Hobbs to leave. Inside, the homeowners decide to fight back against their captors. Before he can hurt them, Harris Hobbs comes barging in. He tells Creel to surrender as Thor and the police are waiting outside.

Instead, the Absorbing Man comes crashing outside and clashes with Thor again. No matter what powers Thor uses against him, the Absorbing Man is able to mimic its properties and nullify the attack. Thor gets a minor reprieve when the police fire a grenade at the Absorbing Man that temporarily stuns him. Unfortunately, Crusher Creel decides to absorb the properties of the Earth itself. This causes him to grow to titanic size as he assumes the mass of the ground underneath him. Quick thinking, Thor begins spinning Mjolnir as fast as a cyclotron, allowing him the ability to transmute matter. He then transforms the Absorbing Man into helium.[1] Trapped in a gaseous form, Crusher Creel cannot stop himself from floating off into space.

Everyone, particularly Harris Hobbs, are impressed with how Thor defeated their foe. After receiving thanks from the officers, Thor heads back to the city where he takes one last look at Jane Foster before Odin summons him back to Asgard. When the summons finally comes, Thor complies and teleports back to his homeland. Appearing on the Bifrost Bridge, Thor heads to the kingdom of Asgard determined to face whatever lies ahead like a god.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Absorbing Man, Loki, Jane Foster, Odin, Harris Hobbs

Continuity Notes

  1. Although Absorbing Man is trapped in the form of helium and is floating into space, he will be restored by Loki in Journey into Mystery #120. He does briefly get plucked out of time to fight the Defenders in Defenders (vol. 2) #10. (The MCP also states that Absorbing Man also appears in Thor: Blood Oath #1 prior to Journey into Mystery #120. However, this is an error as Thor’s chronology places Blood Oath as taking place between panels 3 and 4 on page 7 of Journey into Mystery #120)

A Viper in Our Midst!

Ghan, the most deadly of Storm Giants, is about to attack Asgard. Opposing him is an army of Asgardian warriors led by Thor. Watching his step-brother giving orders, Loki once again vows to find a way to destroy Thor. While the others engage Ghan head-on, Loki waits back undercover. Loki then begins casting a spell that will turn the tide of battle.

Meanwhile, Thor and his warriors begin using a catapult to fire massive spears and containers of knock out gas at their foe, forcing Ghan to retreat. Thor then leads his fellow warriors forward but once they climb a nearby ridge they discover that Ghan has vanished without a trace. This is because Loki’s spell has succeeded in transforming Ghan into an eagle. When the war party heads back to Asgard, Loki stays behind to return Ghan to his true form.

The Storm Giant owes a dept to Loki which the trickster god intends to cash in when the time is right. As Ghan leaves, Loki congratulates himself for forming an alliance with the many forces of evil he intends to use to overthrow the throne of Asgard.[1]

Recurring Characters

Thor, Loki, Odin

Continuity Notes

  1. At the time of this writing (January 2021) Loki has not appeared to have called in this debt, or at least this is a story that has yet to be told.