Nick Peron

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Kid Colt Outlaw #28

Kid Colt Outlaw

Kid Colt pauses along his travels to watch a group of wild horses frolicking, taking note of the black stallion that leads them and that Steel instinctively wants to join them. Suddenly a gang of horse rustlers begin running the horses into a pen. Not liking how the men are rounding up all the wild horses, Kid Colt rushes to their rescue, freeing them and forcing the men to retreat.

Later in a nearby town, the men report to their boss a man named Jack to tell him that they were stopped by a man who was fast with his guns. Soon Kid Colt passes through town and Jack sends his men after him to steal his horse Steel whom Jack believes can net him a profit on the sales market. The men ambush Kid Colt, striking him with a bullet that sends him falling off his horse. He orders Steel to run away and hopes that Steel will join the other wild horses. The horse rustlers then chase after Steel as Kid Colt blacks out.

The outlaw hero is found by a man passing by in a wagon who takes him to the local doctor for treatment. Meanwhile, Steel has caught up with the wild horses, but they are soon rounded up by the rustlers, although Steel tries to fight back. When they take the horses back to Jack he recognizes Steel as the horse belonging to Kid Colt. Finding that the horse is disobedient, he tries to get his men to tame Steel, abusing the horse with whips and fire, but Steel refuses to give in. The horse is eventually horribly scarred and injured and Jack decides to give up and sell the horse for whatever he can get for it.

By the time they take Steel to market, Kid Colt has recovered from his injuries and happens upon the auction of his horse. Due to his wounds, Steel is offered for sale for the low price of three dollars, which Kid Colt pays. When the men mock him for buying a beaten down horse, Kid Colt shoots them dead and rides out of town.

Recurring Characters

  • Kid Colt

  • Steel

The Lady and the Outlaw!

Kid Colt watches as a eastern woman named Miss Winthrope gets off the Union Pacific train into town to visit her uncle who owns a ranch nearby. The woman is completely put off by the "savages" who live in the west and is irritated to learn that it will take time to get a horse and buggy to take her to her uncle's ranch.

She goes into a nearby saloon where two men gawk at her. Insulted Miss Winthorpe slaps one of the men across the face, but before they can do anything about it, Kid Colt appears and shoots their guns out of their hands. Winthorpe is not impressed by this display, reaming out Kid Colt for resorting to shooting in order to resolve a conflict.

Soon after Miss Winthorpe is given a horse and she rides to her uncles ranch, unaware that the two men from the saloon are following after her for revenge. Seeing this Kid Colt decides to follow as well to make sure Miss Winthorpe does not get into any trouble. Kid Colt catches up to her first and offers to ride with her, but Miss Winthorpe refuses and tries to race off. However, her horse gets it's hoof caught in a gopher hole and trips forcing her to ride double with Kid Colt in order to go the rest of the way.

As night falls they stop to set up camp and Winthorpe refuses to eat the dried buffalo meat that Kid Colt is cooking for dinner and decides to walk the rest of the way to her uncle’s ranch. Along the way she is frightened and sent fleeing by a group of Native American hunters. However when she catches up to Kid Colt, he shows her that they are friendly natives who trade in the area.

Suddenly they are ambushed by the two men from the saloon, but Kid Colt makes short work of them and rides Miss Winthorpe the rest of the way to her uncle's ranch. There she tries to kiss him in reward for his help, but he refuses and rides off. When her uncle sees who came to her aid, he is shocked to find that it is the outlaw Kid Colt.

Recurring Characters

  • Kid Colt

  • Steel

Four Graves to Fargo!

A fire starts in the town of Fargo as Kid Colt rides into the area. He learns from men fleeing the area that there are women and children trapped in the fire and forces them to go back and help him carry water buckets from the nearby river to put the flames out. With a water line formed, Kid Colt rides into the blazing inferno to look for anyone who might be still trapped in the flames. Looking around he sees a group of hard cases who are responsible for the fire riding out of town.

Hearing a boy crying for help, Kid Colt rescues the boy from a burning building. He learns from the boy that the men who started the fire were planning on going to Carson City to steal medical supplies, food and clothing from the mercy train in order to hold it for a ransom. Kid Colt rides out and boards the train shortly after the outlaws take over it, and guns them all down and insures that the train makes it all the way to Fargo where the fire has now been put out.

When the sheriff sees what Kid Colt has done for them, he lets the outlaw hero go on his way, considering him a hero.

Recurring Characters

  • Kid Colt

  • Steel