Nick Peron

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Lorna the Jungle Girl #21

Lorna the Jungle Girl

Lorna and Mikki happen to come across some men attempting to trade jewels to the Tabiki tribe. Overhearing them saying they are men of peace she goes in for a closer inspection and dives into a nearby river when they start shooting at her, making her suspect that there is something sinister going on. She dives out of the water, disorientating the two men by splashing the with water giving Mikki time to snatch the guns out of their hands. Lorna easily subdues them and demands to know why "men of peace" would suddenly shoot them. The leader of the group apologizes, telling Lorna that they are new to the jungle and thought she was trying to attack them. Lorna accepts their apologies and the men leave, thinking they have pulled one over on her.

However, Lorna is not so easily duped, and decides to follow after the men to see what they are up to. Lorna overhears how they are traded phony jewels to the Tabiki tribe in order to gain access to their grounds where the diamond rich tribe lives in the hopes of finding and exploiting the diamond resources hidden there. When the men are suddenly attacked by a charging bull elephant, they try to shoot it but Lorna stops them. With her guard down the men tie her up and they come across what they think are diamonds. When their leader inspects them he is shocked to find that they are nothing more than ordinary stones that only look like diamonds and are of no value. He angrily tosses his looking glass into the pile of useless stones. The men are unaware that Mikki is freeing Lorna, and she manages to round them up and tie them up to the tree in her place.

The danger has not passed as the sun shining through the looking glass causes a brush fire. Lorna then gets nearby elephants to douse the flames with water. Realizing their fools errand, the trio of would be diamond smugglers agree to leave the jungle. When one of the men suggests they investigate claims of gold nearby, their leader dumps a bucket of water on his head, unwilling to go on another fools errand.

Recurring Characters

  • Lorna the Jungle Girl

  • Mikki

The Lost Jungle

Lorna comes across a hunter just as he freezes in his tracks at the approach of an attacking lion. She dives in and saves the man's life. They get to safety near a gorge separating two sections of the jungle. She learns that the man went hunting alone in the jungle as he was a big time hunter in Canada and thought he could handle the jungle with as much ease as his native land. When a herd of bull elephants begin charging their way, Lorna refuses to allow the hunter to shoot them and swings him across the gorge. When she crosses herself, Lorna grabs a snake instead of another vine and again, instead of killing the beast, merely knocks it out.

Realizing that she is in a part of the jungle she has never been in before, Lorna leads the increasingly frightened hunter. She once more refuses to kill when she helps him get across a river infested with crocodiles. However their path is blocked when they run into the elephants -- who managed to find another way around the gorge -- and they are forced to retreat back. When they arrive at the gorge, the hunter is shocked to find that the snake that Lorna spared earlier has now called upon other snakes to make a pseudo-vine to help them get across safely. Having gotten to safety, the hunter has found a new found respect for the creatures of the jungle.

Recurring Characters

  • Lorna the Jungle Girl

  • Mikki

The Jungle Adventures of Greg Knight

Greg Knight has been taken under the employ of Mr. Bailey, who wishes to go on a safari into the jungles. As they are preparing to head off on their expedition, they are approached by Oku leader of the local tribe who tells Greg that every expedition that Bailey has gone on, his people have gone missing and Bailey is always the lone person to return. Greg dismisses the concerns, convinced that it was coincidence and luck that Bailey has managed to make it back from all his expeditions unscathed while those who venture with him have gone missing.

Greg leads the expedition and after felling a rampaging rhino they soon find themselves getting caught in a pit trap. Before Greg can stop the advancing guides, Bailey pulls his gun and orders the rest of them into the pit. Bailey explains to Knight that he has led all his previous expeditions into this trap so that he can claim in the insurance he has put on all his expeditions. However things are not going as smoothly as planned as Greg refuses to surrender and tries to swing away. However the root systems of the old trees have been compromised by the pit and they all topple over sending Greg into the pit with the other guides.

However they are soon rescued by Oku who has come with a herd of trained elephants to free the captives. Greg then explains to the others that they suspected that Bailey was up to something shady and agreed to the expedition to lure him into a trap. Having been subdued by an elephant, Bailey surrenders to Greg.

Recurring Characters

  • Greg Knight

The Challenger of Claw and Fang!

Lorna watches as Greg Knight and his guides, along with a man named Johnson, capture a female lion in a pit trap. When Johnson attempts to shoot the big cat, Greg reminds him that they want the lioness alive. When they attempt to pull the lion out she begins to struggle prompting Johnson to try and shoot the beast again, but this time Lorna dives in, ruining his shot with a quick punch. Since Greg did not witness Johnson trying to take a shot, he questions why Lorna thought he was going to shoot the lioness, pointing out that Johnson needs it for his circus. Lorna ways it's because Johnson is scared.

When the female lion breaks free from the net, Johnson freezes up prompting Lorna to get between him and the lion. However despite her efforts to subdue the beast, Greg grabs Johnson's gun and fires at it, scaring it off into the jungle. Lorna then warns Greg that the female lion will come back and hunt them one-by-one until they are all dead now that she is free, frightening Johnson even worse than before.

When they hear the female lion roaring, Johnson goes into a full panic and tries to flee the area. Lorna knowing that this will draw the lioness out follows after him and when the female lion attacks she dives in the way. Johnson then watches as Lorna single handedly subdues the lion, showing him courage he could never imagine and giving him a new respect of the jungle and the beings that live there.

Recurring Characters

  • Lorna the Jungle Girl

  • Greg Knight

  • Mikki