Nick Peron

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Marvel Team-Up #51

The Trial of the Wraith!


Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Iron Man, and Jean DeWolff all take part in the trial of the Wraith, where Phillip and Brian DeWolff are put on trial for their vigilante justice as the Wraith. Originally arriving as Peter Parker on assignment for J. Jonah Jameson, Peter -- disgusted by Jameson's trivializing the trial as a way to sell newspapers -- leaves, disgusted, and leaves Jameson to take pictures himself. Peter then changes into Spider-Man to attend the trial.

The trial is interrupted when Phillip manages to use his powers to make Brian attack the court. However, with the aid of Spider-Man and Iron Man, Dr. Strange is able to subdue the Wraith and use his magical powers to mystically remove the bullet from Brian's brain, releasing him from Phillip's control.

After some deliberation, and key witnesses being brought in, the court finds that Brian is innocent of the crimes, while Phillip is found guilty. After the case, as Phillip is taken away, we find out that the jury is secretly telepaths themselves.

Meanwhile, not far away the Hulk bounding towards the city.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Man, Iron Man, Jean DeWolff, Doctor Strange, Wraith, Phillip DeWolff, SHIELD (Nick Fury), J. Jonah Jameson, Professor X, Hulk, Matt Murdock

Continuity Notes

  • The narrative of this story points out that Spider-Man met Nick Fury in Marvel Team-Up #13.

  • Doctor Strange recounts his career as a surgeon before the accident that robbed him of his steady hands. This was first depicted in Strange Tales #115.