Nick Peron

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Marvel Team-Up #118

Meeting of the Minds


After fighting Professor Power's Roman soldiers upstate, Wolverine invites Spider-man to a training session in X-mansion. Spider-Man finds the session to hard and mentally ask Professor X for stopping the session: he would have preferred a donuts and a cup of coffee.

So soon Spider-Man shares a breakfast table with Colossus, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde and the Professor X himself. After breakfast Spider-man accompanies Professor X in his trip to Professor Power's mansion where Professor was invited to for a meeting. They do not know still that Professor Power is the man who attacked them in the previous episode of the series.

While Professor X talks with Professor Power about the later political ideas, Spider-man senses something troubling in the mansion and enters is secretly and is attacked by the same Roman soldiers he fights in the previous episode. Professor Power disclosures that his real intention meeting Professor Xavier is to ask him for trying to heal the mind of his son, which was seriously injured in Vietnam war.

Professor X finds the young man's mind is beyond healing and also that Power's mind is hidden. When he tells Power is not able to heal his son, Professor Power captures Professor X inside a psycho-plastic cage. And then Power explains how has been he able to hide his mind of Professor X's scanner: he controls Mentallo's mental powers while Mentallo. But he needs also to feed Mentallo's mind and he needs Professor X's mind to do it.

Professor Power then drains Professor X powers to Mentallo's mind and afterward he plans to activate a machine to propagate a mind war against the Soviet Union. But Spider-Man enters and fights Fixer (an agent of Power) while Mentallo and Professor X fight a mind battle. In the end, Professor X wins but some remaining connection among his mind, the Power's draining machine and Power's son mind he had scanned makes this later be injured again.

Professor X frees himself after defeating Mentallo and explains Professor Power that his machinations may had destroyed his son's mind maybe forever.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Man, X-Men (Professor X, Wolverine, Sprite, Colossus), Professor Power, Mentallo, Fixer

Continuity Notes

  • In this story, Sprite states that she has been following Spider-Man's career "almost since [she] was born." At the time of this story, per X-Men #129, Kitty was about 13 years old. Per the Sliding Timescale of Earth-616, Spider-Man has been active for roughly five years. As such Kitty would have been eight years old when Spider-Man first appeared on the scene. Her statement here could be viewed as an exaggeration on her part.

  • Likewise, when Colossus points out that Kitty idolizes Shawn Cassidy and Brooke Shields, and Spider-man's dream of a castaway fantasy with Diane Keaton, these are topical references per the Sliding Timescale of Earth-616.

  • Professor X is shocked to discover that Anthony Power knows about his connection to the X-Men. At the time of this story, Xavier's connection to the X-Men was not known to the general public until he revealed it years later in New X-Men #116.

  • Anthony Power states that his son was rendered brain dead during his service in the Vietnam War. This should also be considered a topical reference. Per History of the Marvel Universe #2, one could assume that Matthew Power fought in the Sin Cong Conflict.

  • Professor X recognizes Mentallo as a former SHIELD agent who betrayed the organization. This happened in Strange Tales #141. Power mentions how Mentallo's mind is currently burnt out, that happened to him in Micronauts #25.

  • Power also mentions how he developed a psi-ops unit. That was in Captain America #268 and Defenders #106.