Nick Peron

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Outlaw Kid #16

Six-Gun Meeting!

The Outlaw Kid stops a gang of outlaws he is sure robbed a stage coach. They plead their innocence and after the Kid checks their saddle bags he finds no trace of the stolen loot and has no choice but to let them go. However the Outlaw Kid is still certain that they were responsible.

The following day the Kid arrives in Caliber City in his alter-ego of Lance Temple were he runs into Belle Taylor and her new friend, Mr. Harvey who has pledged $500 to the charity bazaar, Harvey is new to town and has opened up a hauling business. When Lance asks how business is going, and Harvey says its going well. Belle is completely taken away by Harvey, but Lance is suspicious finding the newcomer too slick.

Lance begins to watch the freight company as the Outlaw Kid and only sees a small amount of business going on. However surveillance pays off when the Kid spots Harvey with the leader of the gang that he stopped. When they leave the freight company the Kid breaks in and begins snooping around. He finds that the filing cabinets are empty and realizes that the company is a front for criminal activities. Before the Kid can leave he is caught in the act by Mr. Harvey. The Kid reveals he knows what he is up to and he easily beats him in a fight. Soon the gang arrives and takes the loot at gun point. However when the gang goes to disarm the Kid, he easily knocks them out and the Kid then disarms the outlaws and takes them all into custody.

Recurring Characters

  • Outlaw Kid

  • Belle Taylor

  • Thunder

Redmen on the Rampage!

The Outlaw Kid is helping the Calvary fight off a army of renegade Native Americans. Things begin to look dire when the Calvary begins to run out of ammo and water and the commanding officer is ruined. Needing water, the Kid leads a group of soldiers to a nearby lake to collect more, however some of the renegades follow and attack.

The Kid orders the soldiers to collect the water while he tangles with the Native American soldiers. The Kid piles into the warriors and easily holds his own against the larger numbers. Suddenly, Chief Mahopi stops the fight, impressed with the Outlaw Kid's courage and decrees that his people will not go to war.

Recurring Characters

  • Outlaw Kid

  • Belle Taylor

  • Thunder

Treachery on the Trail!

The Outlaw Kid comes to the aid of a stage coach attacked by a band of outlaws. The Kid drives the outlaws away and checks on the coach drivers. One is only winged and the other is seriously wounded. The Kid learns that they are carrying a $20,000 payroll. Knowing that the outlaws will not give up, the Kid tells the coach drivers to look after themselves while he takes the stage on the rest of the run.

The Kid takes the wagon its run and Fain and his gang go after it. They chase after the Outlaw Kid as he leads them up a mountain pass. However when they round the corner they spot the coach crashing down at them forcing them to run, and they end up running off a cliff. With the outlaws dealt with the Kid delivers the payroll and gets the drivers the medical attention they need.

Recurring Characters

  • Outlaw Kid

  • Belle Taylor

  • Thunder

Law and Order!

The Outlaw Kid comes across a local named Everly being hassled by a crook named Bull Mallon. When the Kid gets in the middle of it, the Kid is challenged to a fight by Mallon but wins and tells Bull to get lost, but Bull vows to get revenge. When the masked hero asks what is up, Everly tells him that Bull was going around trying to sell protection to the local ranchers. The Kid suspects that Bull will be back and promises to look after Everly.

While the Kid returns home and resumes his alter-ego of Lance Temple and talks to his father about Bull Mallon's activities and is reminded to get involved in violence. Meanwhile, Bull's men are concerned about the Outlaw Kid, but Bull refuses to give up or let someone like the Outlaw Kid cause him trouble.

The next day while on patrol the Outlaw Kid is met by Everly who tells him that Bull and his men slaughtered three of his cows. Suddenly they are ambushed by Bull and his men. While the Kid fights off the gang, Bull tries to shoot him, but misses and the shot causes an avalanche to start. The Kid drags Bull to safety and then turns him over to the authorities.

Recurring Characters

  • Outlaw Kid

  • Zane Temple

  • Thunder