Nick Peron

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Peter Parker: Spider-Man #41

Mission: Uncomfortable

Spider-Man has returned to Bio-Technix to discover that Doctor Octopus has betrayed his partner Fusion, savagely beating him and leaving him for dead. Learning that Fusion is still alive, Spider-Man calls 911 and asks for an ambulance and police. After he ends the call, Spider-Man starts trying to figure out where Doctor Octopus went. When he finds a pliable building wrap, Spider-Man considers it a clue and places a call to Matt Murdock to ask him about a case where he represented an employee in a lawsuit against Bio-Technix.[1] He asks if Bio-Technix was involved in any recent construction properties, and Murdock bends the rules of attorney/client privilege to direct Spider-Man to a construction site on 128th and Dilby Street.

At the Bio-Technix construction site, Doctor Octopus is instructing two terrorists on how to reach him so he can sell them John Hanock, a device that will allow them to track radioactive signatures. However, as the two terrorists take the service elevator up to the top floor of the building they are ambushed by Spider-Man. Spider-Man confronts Doctor Octopus, who is furious that Spider-Man has interfered with is plans to sell the device and attacks. As the pair fight, Doctor Octopus explains how easy it was to manipulate Fusion’s desire for revenge against Spider-Man to hatch this scheme. In the ensuing battle, Spider-Man manages to snap John Hancock and race up to the highest part of the incomplete building. There, Doctor Octopus corners the wall-crawler and demands that he hand over the device. Instead, Spider-Man smashes the device against the side of a girder breaking it open and causing a surge of electricity from its independent power source. Grabbing the device and Doctor Octopus, Spider-Man gives Otto a serious shock that shorts out his mechanical arms as he falls. Breaking his fall on a girder.

Otto pleads for Spider-Man to save his life, but Spider-Man considers just letting him fall, having grown tired of their constant battles as Octavius is beyond redemption. However, as Otto loses his grip, Spider-Man realizes that he can’t just let Otto die and catches him in a web. After the Doctor is turned over to the authorities, Spider-Man turns John Hancock over to Nick Fury, who is upset that the device has been damaged. Still, Fury thanks Spider-Man for not letting the device fall into the wrong hands.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus, Nick Fury, Nick Fury, Fusion

Continuity Notes

  1. Peter and Matt Murdock have known each other’s secret identities since Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #107-110.