Nick Peron

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Quasar #11

By the Time I Get to Phoenix


Quasar is out in the oceans again trying to track down a group of amphibious aliens that are highly elusive. Despite his best efforts, he can’t keep up with them and wonders if he should get the Sub-Mariner to assist him.[1] He is suddenly bowled over by a massive wave caused by something moving across the water at incredible speeds. Quasar’s Quantum Bands also detects that whatever passed him by is giving off tachyons as well and he decides to pursue it to see if this might be the alien threat to the cosmos he has been selected to stop. Quasar catches up with the source of the disruption and is surprised to see that it is a man running at such a speed he can move across the surface of water. Quasar creates an energy parachute to try and stop the speedster for questioning, but the sudden stop knocks him out. Quasar then recovers the mystery man and takes him back to shore so the Avengers doctor, Keith Kincaid, can get a look at him.

Meanwhile, at Excalibur’s lighthouse headquarters in England, the team is enjoying some hot coco on a rainy night. The group has just gotten back from a lengthy interdimensional trip across time and space.[2] Meggan, Nightcrawler, and Captain Britain ask Phoenix to join them, but she would rather stare out the window and think. They are unaware that an entity — an old foe of Captain Britain — is mystically observing them seeking the ideal candidate for possession. Sensing great power in Phoenix, the entity takes possession of her body.

As this is happening, Quasar has arrived at Avengers Compound on the west coast where he is greeted by Wonder Man and US Agent. Wonder Man instantly recognizes the unconscious man as Makkari of the Eternals.[3] Quasar leaves Makkari in their care so he can get back to New York as he has a busy day of work ahead in his civilian identity and job as a security consultant.

Changing out of his costume, Wendell arrives at his office to find a woman waiting to meet with him. She introduces herself as H.D. Steckley and explains that she wants to get a job working for Vaughn Security Consultants.[4] Wendell explains that they aren’t looking for any new employees because they only have one client. That’s when Steckley make a proposition to him: If she can get five new clients by the end of the week, she has to hire him. Thinking this is impossible, Wendell accepts her challenge. Once in the privacy of his office, Wendell checks on Eon, who is hiding in a pocket dimension behind his bookshelf. As the pair look over a projection of Earth that shows all the active aliens on Earth, they suddenly see the Phoenix Force flare up. Learning how powerful this alien force is, Quasar decides to head out and try and contain it in case it is the very threat he was called upon to deal with.

Meanwhile, over London, the Phoenix soars high in the air as she struggles to free herself from the control of the alien presence trying to control her mind. This is a losing battle and her possessor taps her cosmic power to open a portal to Otherworld and free him. It turns out that the man who has been controlling her is Modred the Mystic. He had been imprisoned in Otherworld by Merlin and now that he is free, he wants to get revenge against Captain Britain, since he was partially responsible for his capture.[5]

That’s when Quasar arrives on the scene and Modred commands Phoenix to attack him. Quasar manages to hold his own against Phoenix until Modred uses his mystical powers to restrain him, allowing the mystic and Phoenix to escape. Soon, Excalibur — Captain Britain, Nightcrawler, Meggan, and Widget — arrive on the scene and free Quasar. After compairing notes, they all agree to work together to free Phoenix from Modred’s control. Creating a craft to carry the members of Excalibur, Quasar follows the trail. However, it soon takes them away from the British Isles, leaving Captain Britain and Meggan concerned that their powers — which are tied to their homeland — will begin to fade.[6]

They eventually catch up to Modred and the Phoenix over the ocean and resume their battle. This time, Quasar manages to use his powers to gag and bind Modred, preventing him from casting any further spells. He then redirects Phoenix’s attacks at Modred, forcing him to free her in order to prevent himself from coming to harm. While the villain is on the ropes, Widget uses a gateway to dump Modred into a dimensional portal where he will hopefully not be able to cause any further trouble.[7]

The whole time, Quasar was hoping to get more information on Phoenix from Eon, but he only gets back to after the battle is over. Wendell is incredibly hard on himself for always needing Eon to bail him out of tough jams. He now believes that it is only a matter of time before he completely fails, leaving someone else to pick up the pieces.

Recurring Characters

Quasar, Excalibur (Nightcrawler, Captain Britain, Meggan, Phoenix Widget), Modred the Mystic, “H.D. Steckley”, Kayla Ballentine, Ken Tanaka, Makkari, Eon, Wonder Man, US Agent

Continuity Notes

  1. Although not outright stated, this story is implying that he is going after the offpsring of Marrina Smallwood, a member of the Plodex race who gave birth prior to her death, see Avengers #291-293. These elusive creatures won’t be found until Namor the Sub-Mariner Annual #4.

  2. This would have been the so-called Cross-Time Caper even which took place in Excalibur #12-15, 17-19, and 21-24.

  3. A footnote here reminds readers that Wonder Man met Makkari and the other Eternals in Eternals (vol. 2) #12. Simon also states that the Eternals are an off-shoot of humanity. They were created by the Celestials centuries ago, as detailed in Eternals #1.

  4. H.D. Steckley is a pseudonym. She is actually Heather Douglas, aka Moondragon, who has come to seeking a job in order to try and form a romantic relationship with Wendell as she sees Quasar as her ideal mate. The name H.D. Steckley is derived by Moondragon’s initials and her mother’s maiden name. This is all detailed in Quasar #21-25.

  5. Captain Britain and Captain America teamed up to stop Mordred in Captain America #305-306, which ended with Merlin banishing Modred to Otherworld for punishment.

  6. In Excalibur #6-8, Captain Britain and Meggan discovered that if they left Britain, their powers would start to fade as they are intricately linked to their homeland.

  7. Modred will remain trapped again until the apparent death of Merlin, allowing him to return to Earth once again. See Darkhold #1-3.