Nick Peron

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Quasar #54

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This story continues from Starblast #1…

The alien criminals known as the Starblasters and their leader Skeletron have kidnapped Quasar’s girlfriend Kayla Ballentine in order to rob her of the power of the Star Brand.[1]

Seeking help in his rescue mission, Quasar heads to the Watcher’s citadel on the moon hoping that Uatu will be in a helping mood.[2] However, once he enters the Watcher’s citadel Quasar quickly discovers that Uatu is nowhere to be found. Little does he know that someone else was hiding inside and is watching him intently. Scanning the room with his Quantum Bands, Quasar finds energy residue and wonders who could have taken out a Watcher.

Realizing that this whole incident is much bigger than it first appeared, Quasar contacts Epoch and asks her to summon the heroes who helped him shut down a thruster that was placed on the dark side of the moon during Kayla’s kidnapping.

At that same moment, Quasar’s allies Hyperon, Binary, Captain Marvel, and Ikaris are flying back to Earth when they encounter a Russian ship carrying Russian superhumans Perun and Vostok. That’s when they receive Quasar’s call asking them to meet him on Earth at a specific set of co-ordinates. They call also goes out to Darkstar and her brother Vanguard, the Inhuman ruler Black Bolt and trusty dog teleporter Lockjaw, Infinity Watch members Adam Warlock and Pip the Troll,[3] Nova, his fellow Avengers Thunderstrike, the Vision, and the Black Widow, Squadron Supreme members Doctor Spectrum and Whizzer, and lastly Nightcrawler, Phoenix, and Meggan of Excalibur.[4] Quasar soon arrives high above in the Earth’s exosphere to wait for those he summoned, creating a platform and chairs out of quantum energy to seat everyone and begins waiting for arrivals.

Meanwhile, Gladiator of the Shi’ar Imperial Guard leaves the moon and reports back to his superior officer aboard a Shi’ar vessel. He reports about the situation with the Watcher and convinces command to let him stay and investigate what’s going on.[5]

Back on the planet, the first arrivals include Black Bolt, Lockjaw, Darkstar, Vanguard, Hyperion, Binary, Ikaris, Captain Marvel, and Perun. He decides to get his request under way and explains how the attack on the moon was just part of a larger scheme to kidnap Kayla Ballentine and the Star Brand and asks the assembled heroes if they will go into space to help him rescue her. He is then contacted telepathically by Moondragon who tells him that the Infinity Watch, the Silver Surfer, and Thor are busy and will not be able to help on his mission. Quasar understands and feels like he has enough people to help him on his mission. Moments after they take off into space, Nova and Phoenix arrive and discover that they are too late to join the mission. After a friendly introduction the two part company. On his way back to New York, Nova also runs into a Quinjet carrying Thunderstrike and the Vision and he tells them that they are also too late to help Quasar out.

Encased in a environmental dome that will sustain them all the way to their destination, Quasar and his comrades begin planning their next moves when Binary suddenly senses a ship pursuing them. Quasar decides to investigate the ship and has Darkstar teleport him, herself, and her brother Vanguard aboard the vessel. Hyperion is also dispatched to confront the ship and create a distraction for them. Teleported into space by Lockjaw, Hyperion ends up clashing with Gladiator. The two titans discover that they are nearly equally matched in strength and powers. Ultimately, Gladiator ends up winning the fight when he grabs Hyperion in a headlock and snaps his neck. That’s when the Imperial Guardsman discovers that Quasar’s dome is now empty. Taking Hyperion’s body, Gladiator returns to his ship and discovers that is has been commandeered by Quasar and his crew. Quasar explains that they will be using the ship to catch up with Skeletron and orders Gladiator to surrender.

Meanwhile, out near the sun, Skeletron and his crew have been unsuccessful in removing the Star Brand from Kayla Ballentine and have decided to get outside help. His chief scientist, Insidio, informs him that they have secured the help of someone else by offering them the Watcher in trade.

… This story continues in Starblast #2.

Recurring Characters

Quasar, Skeletron, Insidio, Gladiator, Hyperion, Kayla Ballantine, Captain Marvel, Perun, Vostok, Black Bolt, Vanguard, Binary, Nova, Lockjaw, the Watcher, Ikaris, Epoch, Infinity Watch (Adam Warlock, Pip the Troll, Moondragon), Excalibur (Nightcrawler, Phoenix, Meggan), Doctor Spectrum, Whizzer, Avengers (Black Knight, Vision, Black Widow, Thunderstrike)

Continuity Notes

  1. Kayla has been cursed with the Star Brand since Quasar inadvertedly transferred it to her back in Quasar #31. She was kidnapped by Skeletron and his cronies in Starblast #1.

  2. Quasar has had two run-ins with Uatu in Quasar #6 and 30. Both times he had to deal with the Watcher’s vow of non-interference. The Watchers hold this rule hard and fast since they accidentally caused an entire civilization to blow themselves up in atomic war. See Tales of Suspense #53 and Original Sin #0 for all the depressing details.

  3. Here, Adam and Pip state that they cannot answer the call because they are dealing with Thor, who has suffered a bout of madness. They are in the middle of the Blood and Thunder even that took place in Thor #468-471, Silver Surfer (vol. 3) #86-88, Warlock Chronicles #6-8, and Warlock and the Infinity Watch #23-25.

  4. Excalibur recall that they once fought alongside Quasar in the past. That was in Quasar #11.

  5. Gladiator make a passing mention to his recent encounter with Nova. That happened in Nova (vol. 2) #1.

Starblast Reading Order

Quasar #53, Starblast #1, Quasar #54, Secret Defenders #11, Starblast #2, Quasar #55, Namor the Sub-Mariner #47, Fantastic Four #385, Starblast #3, Namor the Sub-Mariner #48, Quasar #56, Fantastic Four #386, Starblast #4, Quasar #57