Nick Peron

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Hulk (Vol. 2) #7

What Happens in Vegas

Finally free of Gamma Base, Bruce Banner travels up to Canada to investigate the scene where the Red Hulk encountered the pack of Wendigo. He finds no trace of the flesh-eating creatures and believes that they have left to hunt down the Red Hulk for killing one of their own. Following the Red Hulk's trail, Bruce Banner finds himself in Las Vegas. Just outside of the Circe's Mystic Isle casino he comes across a mob of panicked and gore-splattered people fleeing for their lives. Running into the casino, Banner witnesses the Wendigo attacking people. Banner begins to feel his transformation coming on, and tries to resist is. However, he loses control when he watches as a woman is dragged away to her death. Instead of transforming into the green Hulk, Banner transforms into his grey alter-ego, Joe Fixit.

Happy to be back in Las Vegas, Fixit knocks one of the Wendigo clear out of the casino. Soon the Hulk comes tumbling out himself with the rest of the Wendigo pack swarming around him. As he fights the creature off he is suddenly struck in the back with a number of crescent-shaped objects. Turning around, he witnesses the arrival of Moon Knight. The masked hero tells the Hulk to leave, but Fixit refuses. Leaping at the hero, Hulk sends Moon Knight crashing to the ground. Moon Knight manages to temporarily blind the Joe, but he manages to knock the hero out. Before the Hulk can pummel Moon Knight anymore he is ordered to stand down by Ms. Marvel and the Sentry.

Recurring Characters

Hulk, Moon Knight, Wendigo, Marlene Arlune, Ms. Marvel, Sentry

Continuity Notes

  • Marc Spector in this story mentions that Marlene wanted to come to Vegas to see Celine Dion. This should be considered a topical reference per the Sliding Timescale of Earth-616.

  • The Red Hulk encountered the Wendigo in King-Size Hulk #1.

  • Joe Fixit says its great to be back in Las Vegas. Fixit used to be a mob enforcer in Vegas circa Incredible Hulk #347-359.

Hell Hath No Fury...

After her past encounters with the Red Hulk, the She-Hulk is putting in calls to various female superheroes to form a team to hunt him down. Going through her list of friends she manages to convince both the Valkyrie and Thundra to come to join her Lady Liberators. They all meet on the flight deck of the SHIELD helicarrier. They go do down into one of the briefing rooms where Maria Hill fills them in on the Red Hulk. She warns the heroines that this new menace was strong enough to beat Iron Man, Thor, and the Hulk. She then instructs the Lady Liberators that their mission is to capture the Red Hulk so that they can learn his true identity. Before sending them on their mission, Hill gives the three women access to SHIELD's armory. Dressed in uniform and armed with a number of weapons, She-Hulk, Thundra and Valkyrie are ready to hunt down and beat down the Red Hulk.

They search for a few days, eventually tracking the Red Hulk down via his gamma signature. It leads them to Abe's Bar, a watering hole located atop Mount Rushmore. She-Hulk orders the Red Hulk to surrender but tells him that she is looking to fight. The Red Hulk is more than happy to oblige and attacks. After stunning She-Hulk with an exploding tanker truck, he relieves Thundra of her chained weapon and uses it to loop it around She-Hulk's neck. He then dangles her over the edge of Rushmore and threatens to drop her to her death if they don't stop attacking him.

Recurring Characters

Red Skull, Lady Liberators (She-Hulk, Valkyrie, Thundra), SHIELD (Maria Hill), Aragorn