Nick Peron

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Savage She-Hulk #17

Make Way for the Man-Elephant


Sheriff Morris Walters is ramping up his campaign to capture the She-Hulk. While his beau, Beverly Cross attempts to get someone to buy the Walters house at the highest price possible and out of Jennifer's price range. Richard Rory, happens to spot the potential buyer and finds them suspicious and so he takes down their license number.

As Buck Bukowski learns that Jennifer Walter's car (which is the center of the murder charges against the She-Hulk) was tampered with. At the same time, Jen has tried to reconcile with Zapper, changes into a She-Hulk and the two get out.

Meanwhile, Manfred Haller, owner of Haller Hydraulics, decides to get involved in the She-Hulk's capture with his powerful Man-Elephant costume. Haller finds She-Hulk as she is out with Zapper and the two get into a fight. At that time Buck has taken his findings to Sheriff Walters, who begrudgingly agrees that She-Hulk is innocent of any crimes. The battle between She-Hulk and the Man-Elephant ends when Haller surrenders realizing the damage his battle-suit can cause, and Sheriff Morris tells the media that She-Hulk has been cleared.

Later, after changing back into her human form, Jen returns home to find Richard Rory has packed all his things. Tied of being rejected, he decides to leave feeling that he is still a loser and would only drag Jen down.

Recurring Characters

She-Hulk, Morris Walters, Buck Bukowski, Richard Rory, Zapper Ridge, Man-Elephant, Beverly Cross

Continuity Notes

  • This story recounts how the She-Hulk was accused of murdering Jill Stevens. Jill died in a car accident back in Savage She-Hulk #2.