Nick Peron

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Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Out of Reach #3

Out of Reach Part Three

Doctor Octopus is shocked to see that Brigham Fontaine has returned to his hideout. Asking the boy why he came back, the youth stuns Otto into silence when he says he needed Doctor Octopus. Brigham explains that when he got home he was swarmed by the media who wanted to know how horrible it was being a prisoner of Doctor Octopus. However, all he could think of was how exciting it was developing an anti-magnetic harness to counteract his own unbreakable vault as well as Otto’s recent battle with Spider-Man. He realized that he enjoyed it, especially working with Otto Octavius, one of his inspirations. Satisfied with this answer, Otto allows the boy to enter his lair. However, within moments Bringham begins angering Otto when he asks to see his invention and later suggested that Otto couldn’t figure out how the device worked in his absence. After a warning from Octavius, Brigham explains that he was able to use the harness by using his own body as a power source by channeling his emotions. He was able to use it to escape the tunnel he was buried in due to the fact that he was afraid for his life. When Otto points out that he fears nothing, Brigham begins working to adjust the device so it can work with any emotion. When Otto decides to let the boy stay, Brigham is pleased.

Later, the pair attack the bank that has been fitted with Brigham’s revolutionary magnetic bank vault. Once Doctor Octopus deals with the guards, Brigham fits him with the new harness. When it first makes its connection to Otto it is painful, but he quickly is able to channel its power through his mechanical arms allowing him to rip the vault door off its hinges. After this first success, Doctor Octopus and Brigham begin hitting every bank in town that is using one of his vaults.

By the time the story hits the news, Peter Parker is about to have a romantic evening in a hotel room jacuzzi with Mary Jane to celebrate her birthday. However, seeing the reports about Doctor Octopus, Peter has to go out as Spider-Man, much to Mary Janes chagrin.

Back at his hideout, Doctor Octopus broods while Brigham is coming up with ideas on how they can use the money on. When Octavius doesn’t share his enthusiasm, he asks Otto what’s the point of stealing so much money if they aren’t going to use it. Doctor Octopus explains that money is only a means to an end, a show of power. Brigham still thinks that they could use the money to help Otto in the way that Otto helped him feel alive. Doctor Octopus once more warns Brigham to watch his tone, but Brigham is genuine when he suggests they use the money to finally free Otto of his mechanical arms, as Brigham thinks that Doctor Octopus is pretty unhappy despite all of his bluster. Otto considers it for a moment then dismisses the suggestion, saying that all he craves is more power. That’s when Fontaine suggests that they then work on getting him more.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man arrives at the scene of his last battle with Doctor Octopus to look around for clues. He finds one of Brigham’s blueprints that details enhancements to the mechanical arms used by Doctor Octopus. He fears that his foe may be influencing Brigham. At that same moment, Doctor Octopus breaks into the Central Bank Research Center. After he is knocked out, Doctor Octopus allows Brigham to prepare a procedure that will turn Otto into a living battery of magnetic energy so that he will no longer need Fontaine’s harness. As Otto prepares for the experiment to being, he recalls the explosion that first turned him into Doctor Octopus and remembers the agony he felt while in recovery and decided against going through this at the last moment.[1] He decides that Doctor Octopus doesn’t need to evolve and smashes his way free and is about to attack Fontaine when Spider-Man arrives to rescue the boy. However, Brigham is fully on the side of Doctor Octopus and he warns Otto to grab something as he activates the electromagnetic device. This causes Spider-Man to get pulled into the energy being given off by the machine, jolting him into unconsciousness, allowing Octravius and the youth escape.

Back at their hideout, Otto turns on the news to see how their recent battle is being reported. Bringham is furious to hear one of the lead scientists at the facility suggests that Fontaine was brainwashed. Furious, Brigham suggests they do something but Otto is tried and leaves the boy to fume, rejecting his demands for revenge. However, Brigham isn’t willing to let this insult go and, wearing his harness, goes to the local news station to hold the crew there hostage during a commercial break. When the news comes back on, Brigham reveals his device but tells them all that it’s not a bomb, but something far more powerful. At that moment, both Peter Parker and Otto Octavius are tuning in and are shocked to see what Brigham has done.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus, Mary Jane Watson, Brigham Fontaine

Continuity Notes

  1. This would be the explosion that fused his mechanical arms to his body back in Amazing Spider-Man #3.

Topical References

  • Outdated technology: CTR televisions