Nick Peron

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Spider-Woman #14

Cults and Robbers


Surrounded by followers of the Cult of Kali, Spider-Woman is forced to drop the Shroud's unconscious body to defend herself. During the fight she fights off the Cult members, but suddenly the room goes black momentarily, and the Shroud disappears. Changing back to Jessica Drew, Spider-Woman calls the police but finds that the cult members are missing after she goes back in to check on them. While Jessica is interrogated for three hours, Jerry Hunt and his fellow SHIELD agents go looking for their missing members, to no avail.

The next day, Jessica takes part in another group session at the Hatros Institute, unaware that its owner Adrienne Hatros is taking a secret interest in her. After the session, Jessica decides to look into the strange emblem that the members of the Cult and the Shroud had in common, and learn that it's a depiction of the Indian god Kali, the Goddess of death and destruction. Going on to research more, she tries to see the Jade Idol of Kali but learns that it has been stolen.

Figuring it's a lead in her case, Jessica goes to a seedy bar down by the waterfront. There, as Spider-Woman, she pressures some thugs into revealing who stole the idol. Following the thieves to their boat. Spider-Woman fights them all and easily defeats each one. When she questions the leader, he tells her that they stole the idol to try and sell it, however, the item was too hot to sell to their usual fence. Spider-Woman realizes that these common crooks have nothing to do with the cult and returns home.

After a shower, and pondering what her next move is, she's suddenly visited by the Shroud who has appeared in her home.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Woman, Shroud, Jerry Hunt, Lindsay McCabe, Laura Brown, “Adrianne Hatros”