Nick Peron

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Spider-Woman (vol. 5) #2

Spider-Verse continues from Scarlet Spiders #2…

On a secret mission for Spider-Man, Spider-Woman has come to Loomworld, the home dimension of the Inheritors, beings are killing spider-totems across the multiverse. She finds this world a strange mish-mash of every alternate world the Inheritors have conquered. She was chosen by Spider-Man on an intel-gathering mission, much to her chagrin.

However, on Loomworld, Jessica Drew discovers that she is quite popular and is recognized by people who begin offering her gifts. Jessica tells them all to keep their distance when, suddenly, a man with octopus tentacles snares her. She is taken aboard a massive sailing ship commanded by this world’s version of the Sub-Mariner. He apologizes to her for how rough her men treated her and is surprised that he was walking around without a guard detail. She is surprised to learn that her counterpart on this world is such an important person but decides to accept this bit of unexpected luck. That’s when Namor gets down to the business of splitting up his latest booty to her, something that is tradition. Jessica tries to keep up appearances but wonders how soon they’ll figure out that she’s an impostor.

At that same moment, the Jessica Drew of Loomworld is out on the town, showered with gifts and adoration by the people. A young boy rushes to Jessica to give her a clockwork owl that her mother spent all day making for her. However, because the child rushes up and touches Jessica, one of her guards shoves the boy to the ground, breaking the gift he meant for her. A heartless woman, Jessica of Loomworld wonders why she had bodyguards when they allow street rats get close enough to touch her.

Meanwhile, Spider-Woman has been getting away with her masquerade by using her pheromone powers to cloud the judgement of her guest. That’s when she spots her Loomworld counterpart coming aboard the ship. Quick thinking, she yanks Namor into his quarters. Pumping him full of her pheromones, she tells him to forget their encounter and jumps out the window. When the other Jessica Drew comes knocking, Namor goes to answer it without any memory of his encounter with Spider-Woman.

Meanwhile, Silk is fleeing across the multiverse to get away from Brix and Bora, who have been relentlessly hunting her. On the world in the middle of a war, Silk is tripped up by an explosion, allowing the twin Inheritors to catch up to her. When she tries to jump to yet another dimension, Silk discovers that her device was damaged in the blast. As the twins bicker over what to do with them, Silk web-slings past them and dives through the dimensional portal they left open behind them. They are shocked to see her dive headfirst into Loomworld.

There, Spider-Woman has trailed her counterpart back to the Inheritor’s palace and she doesn’t like what she sees. Jessica has determined that her Loomworld counterpart is a jackass that treats people like garbage. That’s when Brix and Bora arrive, still bickering about how Silk — aka the Bride — got away from them. The Jessica Drew of Loomworld bows down to them and asks how she can help and they ask her to keep an eye out for the spider-totem and to alert them if Jessica sees her.

After they leave, Silk runs by and mistakes this Jessica with her own. When the Drew of Loomworld tries to raise the alarm, Spider-Woman comes out of hiding and knocks her counterpart out. Silk quickly explains how she ditched Spider-Girl and Spider-Gwen and how her transporter got wrecked. Jessica hands over her own and tells Silk to get out of Loomworld before they find her. As Silk teleports away, Spider-Woman stashes her double.

Meanwhile, Silk arrives on Earth-3145, a world that is a nuclear wasteland. She suddenly begins to feel the effects of the radiation that is ever-present on this world. That’s when Brix and Bora catch up with her. However, as Brix steps out onto this world he suddenly begins to be affected by the radiation even worse that Silk. Bora then quickly pulls her brother back to Loomworld before the radiation can kill him. Bora reminds her brother that they can’t follow her there due to their weakness to radiation. Brix scolds her sister for saying this out loud while the portal is open and Silk can hear them as now she knows they can’t follow her on this world.

Back on Loomworld, Spider-Woman has stashed her counterpart in a treasure chest and asks Captain Namor to take the chest out to sea for a few days. Cowed by her pheromone powers, the Sub-Mariner agrees to her unusual request. She then returns to the Inheritor’s palace. There she begins to panic when Morlun suddenly arrives. She decides to follow everyone’s lead and bows when he walks by, but he stops to talk to her. Apparently, Morlun knows this world’s Jessica Drew very well, surprisingly well when he suddenly kisses Spider-Woman right on the lips….

Spider-Verse continues in Spider-Verse #2.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Woman, Silk, Inheritors (Morlun, Brix, Bora), Sub-Mariner-001, Jessica Drew-001