Nick Peron

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Spider-Woman (vol. 5) #3

Spider-Verse continues from Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 3) #13…

Silk has fled the Inheritors to Earth-3145, a world that was decimated in a nuclear holocaust. Due to their weakness of radiation, the Inheritors cannot follow her. However, Silk is far from safe since she is also vulnerable to high levels of radiation. She wonders if she escaped the safety of her bunker just to die in a nuclear wasteland.[1] That’s when she comes across a cockroach in a discarded can of tuna and gets some inspiration. Silk then weaves a make-shift hazmat suit out of her own webbing confident that it will protect her long enough to find cover.

Meanwhile, on Loomworld, Spider-Woman had been sent to the Inheritor’s home dimension on a reconnaissance mission. To her surprise, she discovered that not only was this world’s version of Jessica Drew treated like royalty, but she is also apparently the lover of Morlun, one of the most powerful of the Inheritors. Now she has to sit in front of a meal consisting of massive prawns while listening to Morlun drone on about his famly’s spider-hunt. When Morlun notices that Jessica hasn’t touched her food, she tells Morlun that she filled up on bread. He then smashes the dinner table and suggests that they dance instead. She tries to get out of this as well, and this starts making Morlun suspicious because she bowed to him earlier like a common peasant. Quick thinking, Jessica tells Morlun that she is feeling ill, saying it must have been the food. Telling him that she needs to take a shit really bad, Morlun is too bashful to question her any further allowing Jessica to high tail it out of there before her host realizes that she is an impostor.

While back on Earth-3145, Silk has found this world’s version of Ezekiel Sims’ office building. Luckily she found an exact duplicate of the bunker that held her for years in the basement. Punching in the code she steps inside and begins stripping off her make-shift hazmat suit now that she finally made it someplace safe.

While on Loomworld, Spider-Woman tries to get into a restricted area but is refused access by the guard of the Great Hall, this world’s version of Mary Jane Watson. Jessica easily punches the Watson woman out and uses her credential to gain access to the closed-off room. She then continues on in the ventilation shafts and contacts Spider-Man.[2] She is using the broken communicator she got from Silk and it barely works, she also doesn’t think she can use it to escape later. As she updates Spider-Man on everything happening on her end she ends up entering the great hall. There she finds the Master Weaver, the keeper of the Web of Life. This is just as she is finished telling Spider-Man about how convenient it was that her counterpart on Loomworld was so important. The Master Weaver bemusedly suggests that perhaps that this stroke of good luck was destined to happen.

Telling Peter that she’ll call him back, Jessica is told by the Great Weaver that he has been enslaved by the Inheritors for centuries. In order to save his life, he subtly manipulated events to bring the Spider-Woman of Earth-616 to him at this exact moment and they have much to discuss. All around them, the Web of Life is showing Jessica glimpses of other worlds and other Spider-Men. The Master Weaver says that the Inheritors are attempting to fulfill a prophecy that will make them the masters of the multiverse and that this must be stopped. The prophecy involves three all-important spider-totems known as the Other, the Bride, and the Scion. He then weaves a number of scrolls that will explain everything in greater detail and hands them over to Jessica, telling her to get them back to the Spider-Army.

When Jessica attempts to use the Web of Life to get back to the others, the Master Weaver suddenly knocks her aside. He tells her that she can’t go that way because the Inheritors would know immediately and punisher her for it. Leaving the great hall, Jessica binds the scrolls with her damaged dimensional jumping device. That’s when Morlun finds her and she hides the scrolls behind her back. As he asks her what’s behind her back, Jessica frantically tries to activate the device. Luckily, the device teleports the scrolls away moments before she turns out her hands to Morlun and shows that she doesn’t have anything. Elsewhere in the multiverse, the scrolls appear before Spider-Man.

With her mission over, Spider-Woman decides it is time to hightail it out of Loomworld and steals a speed boat to get away. As she approaches Captain Namors ship it opens fire on her, blasting her boat to pieces. She is then recovered by the crew and discovers it has been commandeered by this world’s version of Jessica Drew, who is none to happy that Spider-Woman locked her in a trunk and handed her over to a band of pirates. However, Spider-Woman defuses to go down without a fight and punches her double in the face. When Drew orders her crew to kill Spider-Woman she is quickly rescued by Silk and Spider-Gwen who have come on a rescue mission.

For once, Spider-Woman is grateful for Silk’s impulsive behavior. With the fate of the multiverse ahead of them, the three female spiders prepare to fight off the pirates so they can join the others for the final battle against the Inheritors.

… Spider-Verse continues in Spider-Verse #3.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Woman, Master Weaver, Spider-Man, Silk, Spider-Gwen, Inheritors (Morlun, Brix, Bora), Jessica Drew-001, Spider-Man (Earth-96283), Spider-Man (Aikman), Spider-Man (Reilly), Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Man (Morales), SP//dr, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Woman (Drew), Spider-Punk, Spider-Zombie, Spider-Woman (Barton)

Continuity Notes

  1. Silk was locked away in a bunker for over a decade by Ezekiel Sims shortly after she got her spider-powers from the same spider that bit Peter Parker. See Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 3) #1, and 4-5.

  2. For Spider-Man’s side of this conversation see Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 3) #12.