Nick Peron

View Original

Sun Girl #3

Bokk the Beast!

Sun Girl is leaving the Daily Views Building when she is grabbed by Jon Conelly the publicity director for Winterfield and Grimes Circus. He pulls her into a cab heading to the docks. Along the way he explains that he circus is importing Bokk the Beast, a massive gorilla captured in the wilds of Brazil. He explains that the gorilla was worshipped by the Chevante Indians who lived there and that the creature was fed a bounty by a lone albino girl who lived in the village. However, they found that whenever the creature saw a woman with blond hair it went berserk and so they had constructed a special cage with blue tinted glass.

When they arrive at Pier 9 Sun Girl and Joe watch in horror as the crane cable lifting the massive cage onto the dock smashes breaking the specially made cage. Bokk breaks free and begins going on a rampage, and Sun Girl leaps in to save those who might be trampled by the massive beast. The creature is held at bay by arriving fire crews that spray it with their hoses. However this only lasts until the jets of water force the creature near an overpass which it attacks. Soon the US Air Force sends fight jets to attack the creature, but it manages to slip away and escape into the city. The city goes into a panic and local and military authorities are on full alert to try and capture the beast and begin planning how to either contain it or destroy it.

Bokk is not found until the following morning when they find the massive ape sleeping on the overhang on the Stockton Hotel. Military officials meet and begin discussing feeding Bokk poison fruit in order to kill the massive creature before it can rampage again. When they wonder who will lead this mission, Sun Girl steps in and offers to lead it herself. With some convincing the military officials agree and soon Sun Girl is given a jeep loaded with poisoned fruit. Sun Girl is able to get close to Bokk due to her blonde hair and gives the creature the fruit. However, as the poison begins to take effect the creature goes on another rampage, grabbing Sun Girl and carrying her along with him. A helicopter with a massive net tries to grab the creature, but it starts to succumb to the poison. As it falls dead, the ape loosens his grip on Sun Girl who jumps and grabs the net.

With Bokk dead the city celebrates the victory, however at the home of Sun Girl, the heroine can't help but feel sorry for the poor beast.

Recurring Characters

  • Sun Girl

Leap of Doom!

Sun Girl is at a local observatory taking a look at the planet Venus. She and Professor White spot a strange thing in the sky: scientist Professor Wemblem floating in the sky. White explains to Sun Girl that Wemblem had been experimenting on secret wavelengths. Sun Girl rushes to a nearby air field and convinces a pilot to take a helicopter up and manages to pluck the floating Professor Wemblem out of sky. As they head back to the airfield they spot a strange rocket flying past and wonder where it came from.

As they land, Professor Wemblem tells Sun Girl that he was experimenting on changing the gravity of objects. When his tests worked well on animals he decided to move on to human testing and hired a man on the street unaware that he was criminal Peanuts McCoy. Peanuts took the job willingly enough and when the experiment was a success, granting Peanuts with the ability to leap in great bounds, he turned on Wemblem, overcharging him with the device and causing him to float into the sky to die while Peanuts used his new abilities to commit crimes. Finishing his story, Sun Girl and Wemblem return to his lab to find that Peanuts had destroyed all of his equipment.

Meanwhile, Peanuts McCoy has robbed a bank and with his new leaping ability is able to escape the authorities with ease. Spotting Peanuts escape, Sun Girl gives him chase and follows him into a nearby park. He manages to slip away from Sun Girl and spots the rocket from earlier on the ground. He decides to use it to escape and climbs inside. Sun Girl spots the rocket and follows after him. Inside they are both shocked to be greeted by an alien named Zzzsk who tells them that he has come from the planet Zarko to collect humans to bring back to his home planet so that their leader can learn more about the Earth. They are soon rocketed to planet Zarko.

Arriving on the planet both Sun Girl and Peanuts are brought before Brfsk, the leader of the planet. However, Brfsk has studied enough of the Earth to realize that it is a place of war, strife and crime and offers to bring Sun Girl back a culture of peace back to the Earth. However, their talk is interrupted when Peanuts tries to make a break for it. Sun Girl tackles him and a fight breaks out. This is the final straw for Brfsk who decides that Earth is beyond hope and orders Zzzsk to return both of the humans to Earth. Spraying them with a sleeping gas, Zzzsk returns them to Earth.

When Sun Girl and Peanuts wake up they believe it was all a dream. When Peanuts tries to escape from Sun Girl with his leaping ability but finds that it has faded. Sun Girl turns Peanuts over to the police and learns that an entire month had passed, confirming her that her experience on Zarko really did happened. However when she goes back to the observatory and asks Professor White about planet Zarko, he tells her that he never heard of it before.

Recurring Characters

  • Sun Girl

The Spoiler

The Spoiler, a costumed criminal who has made his career making fools of costumed heroes reads the latest exploits of the Blonde Phantom and decides that she will be the next to be humiliated by the Spoiler. The Spoiler and his gang take over a radio station and broadcast a challenge to the Blonde Phantom, ordering her to meet his challenge at City Square.

Hearing the broadcast at his office, Mark Mason decides to rush off to City Square to see what he can do to help the Blonde Phantom, leaving the office in the charge of his secretary Louise Grant. Louise takes this opportunity to change into the Blonde Phantom and go over to City Square to scope the place out. From above a building, the Blonde Phantom spots the Spoiler waiting for her at City Square unaware that he has created a pit to drop the Blonde Phantom into the sewers below.

However, before the Blonde Phantom can swing into action Mark Mason confronts the Spoiler and starts a fight with him. Seeing Mark in trouble prompts the Blonde Phantom to act. She uses a telephone wire to swing down into City Square and pulling Mark to safety. On her return swing she knocks the Spoiler and his gang into their own trap landing them into the sewers. In the fetid water the Spoiler instantly begins coming up with a new plan only to have his head dunked into the water by the his own men. With the danger over, Mark Mason decides to head back to his office to make sure Louise took care of things okay, the Blonde Phantom quips that she has a feeling that Louise has.

Recurring Characters

  • Blonde Phantom

  • Mark Mason