Nick Peron

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Superior Spider-Man #12


The Spider-Slayer has staged a daring escape from the Raft on the day of his execution. Witnessing this is mayor J. Jonah Jameson who remembers how his wife, Marla Madison, was murdered by Smythe before his arrest.[1] Remembering her last words, Jameson vows to not let Smythe get off the island. This causes Smythe’s lawyer to protest, prompting Jameson to punch him out. That’s when a swarm of Spider-Man’s spider-bots enter the room. They play a recorded holographic message from the web-slinger who tells them that he has anticipated Smythe’s escape attempt and blocked all the exits. Believing that the Spider-Slayer might come for them to use as hostages he asks them to stay put while his spider-bots put up a force field around them and keep them safe until the crisis is over. As the spider-bots power up, Jameson decides that he’s not going to sit by and do nothing and rushes out of the force field zone. This is met with protest from Glory Grant, but Jameson refuses to stop until one of them is dead. Out in the hallway, Jonah finds a dead guard and vows to avenger him, and begins taking his weapons and body armor.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man and the Spider-Slayer battle one another. The wall-crawler mocks Smythe, telling him his father was the true genius of the family. He also informs his foe that he has sent a distress call to the Avengers and they should be here soon. Smyth sarcastically wishes he called for reinforcements, keeping secret the fact that he has cybernetically augmented Boomerang, the Vulture, and the Scorpion who are now searching the prison for Spider-Man in order to kill him.

Back at the scene of the battle, Spider-Man accidentally lets slip that his containment measures are powered by the Raft’s generators. This prompts the Spider-Slayer to try and get away. That’s when Jameson arrives decked out in body armor and begins opening fire on Smythe. This allows the Spider-Slayer to escape, a development that Jameson blames on Spider-Man. When Spider-Man tells Jameson to get to safety, he refuses, saying he wants to be there to make sure Spider-Man does his job. Otto decides to take advantage of the situation and has Jonah clarify what he means. Unaware that he is being recorded by one of the spider-bots, Jameson orders Spider-Man to kill Alistair Smythe.

While back in the execution chamber, those protected by Spider-Man’s force field can only wait for the situation to resolve itself.[2]

Meanwhile, Spider-Man is trying to track Smyth by tracking his radio signal when he is suddenly ambushed by the Scorpion, the Vulture, and Boomerang. Spider-Man is held back by his attackers, who all want revenge against Spider-Man for injuring them.[3] At that same moment, the Spider-Slayer reaches and destroys the reactor, plunging the Raft into darkness. With out the generators, the force field protecting everyone shuts down. Also, in the bowels of the prison, the lack of power releases the shackles on the Lizard and opens the door to his cell.

However, when Smythe tries to make his escape he finds the defenses set up by Spider-Man are still active. That’s when Spider-Man reveals that the back-up generators are still intact and he sent his enemy on a fools errand to further entrap him. Smythe decides to turn the tables by ordering his minions to split up and find Jameson and the other perspective hostages.[4] Spider-Man is held back briefly by Boomerang, but wins the battle by webbing explosive boomerangs to his opponent’s hands. With Boomerang down, Smyth asks Spider-Man who he will go to save: Jameson or the others. However, Spider-Man surprises him when he announces that he is coming after Smyth and stop him once and for all.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Man, Spider-Slayer, Scorpion, Vulture, Boomerang, J. Jonah Jameson, Glory Grant, Norah Winters, Lizard

Continuity Notes

  1. Marla Madison’s murder was chronicled in Amazing Spider-Man #652-654.

  2. Norah Winters states here that the Avengers are away on a mission in space. this story takes place during the Infinity Event. See Infinity #0-6.

  3. Spider-Man previously injured the Scorpion, Boomerang, and the Vulure in Amazing Spider-Man #700, Superior Spider-Man #1, and Superior Spider-Man #3 respectively.

  4. Smythe gets the Scorpion to comply by telling him that Jameson is one of the targets. Mac Gargan has a massive hate-on for Jonah because he funded the experiment that turned him into the Scorpion back in Amazing Spider-Man #20