Nick Peron

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Texas Kid #1

The Texas Kid is Born!

In the year 1846, Link Cado and his gang raided towns across the state of Texas while heading for the Mexican border. However, as they neared the town of Caliber City, Link informed his men that they were going to hunt down a man named Zane Temple. He explains to his men that Zane used to be a Texas Ranger and was responsible for sending him to jail years earlier and he intends to settle the score. They ride into Caliber City where Link confronts the local sheriff and demands the location of Temple's ranch. When he refuses, Link and his men gun him down. After the deputy tell them what they need to know they raze the town. With the outlaws gone, the deputy then gathers up some men and heads after them hoping that they can save Zane and his family before anything can happen to them.

The posse reaches the Temple ranch first and warn Zane. Was Zane and the other men prepare for the coming gun battle, Zane orders his son Lance to take his mother and hide in the shed and keep her safe, Lance promises to do that. However, as the lead begins to fly, a stray bullet goes through the shed and shoots Zane's wife dead. When Lance tells his father that his wife is dead, Zane goes mad and rushes out of the house with guns blazing taking down many of Cado's men. In the chaos, Link gets a shot off and shoots Zane in the back. Before Link can kill Zane, two riders arrive and drive the remaining outlaws off. In the aftermath of the battle the two rescuers introduce themselves as Emilio Diaz and Red Hawk. The two men promise that they will try their best to save Lance's father. Red Hawk cares for Zane and saves his life but informs Lance that his father will be blind for the rest of his life. Emilio and Red Hawk decide to stay on the ranch, while Red Hawk teaches Zane how to function as a blind man, both men teach Lance how to ride, shoot, and how to be wise and courageous. As an adult, Lance makes a promise to his father that so long as he carries the name Temple, he will never use a gun against another man, as his father has come to believe that violence will solve nothing.

However, the young man is still thirsting for revenge. Noticing this, Emilio and Red Hawk see that the boy is determined to avenge his parents but is trapped in the promise he made his father. The two men come up with a solution: They take him to nearby Hidden Canyon. There they present him with a horse named Thunder and a disguise he can wear to get his revenge, as well as keep his promise to his father by operating under a different name: The Texas Kid.

The Texas Kid tracks Link Cado to the to the town of Jericho, there he confronts Cado's gang and guns them down and goes to the Jericho Star saloon where Cado is staying. There, Lance kills Cado and the remainder of his gang. In the aftermath, Texas Kid leaves his horse in Hidden Valley, promising to come back again soon. He returns to his father, who is unaware of what his son had done as the Texas Kid.

Recurring Characters

  • Texas Kid

  • Zane Temple

  • Emilio Diaz

  • Red Hawk

  • Thunder

Return of Howling Wolf!

The Native American outlaw Howling Wolf breaks out of the prison in Dallas, Texas, killing the guard who came to check on him. Bent on getting revenge on the white men who incarcerated him, Howling Wolf begins a campaign of terror, sleeping by day and burning down ranches by night.

Eventually the Texas Kid decides to on the trail to hunt down Howling Wolf, using his tracking skills to locate Howling Wolf's camp. However, Howling Wolf discovers the tracker and knocks the Texas Kid out. He then buries the Kid up to his neck in the dirt and leaves him for the buzzards to eat. When he comes around, the Texas Kid whistles for his horse Thunder who knocks out Howling Wolf with his hooves. The intelligent horse then helps pull the Kid loose so he can free himself from the dirt. Howling Wolf revives just as the Kid frees himself, but is to slow on the draw and the Texas Kid shoots him dead. As he leaves, he watches as the vultures swoop down to feast on Howling Wolf's remains, remarking on the irony of the situation.

Recurring Characters

  • Texas Kid

  • Thunder

The Sinister Stage Coach!

In Hidden Valley, Lance Temple trains his horse Thunder how to ride while he is shooting behind the horse while straddling the horses neck. As he leaves the valley he spots a stage coach going off it's usual trail and finds it odd but pays it no mind. When Lance returns home he learns from his father that their neighbor Kit Cameron is worried as the southbound coach carrying his daughter is late. Lance tells his father that he is going to go out and look for the coach. Recalling that the coach he saw earlier was the same coach that is late he calls his horse Thunder and changes into the Texas Kid to investigate the suspicious activity.

Riding into the town of Laramee where the coach started its run and confirms that Cameron's daughter was on board. He then follows the coach's trail. He follows it to the port side town of El Campo where he spies the coach parked in front of a sailing ship. When he inquires the ship hands what the coach is doing there, they attack the Kid. The Texas Kid then guns down all the men that come at him and rides his horse on board the ship. There he finds the passengers shackled below the hold of the ship and a masked man standing guard over them. Texas Kid dives at the man and unmasks him, revealing him to be Manuel Toledo a notorious slave trader. The Texas Kid then guns down Toledo and rescues the captives. As they mount their stage and ride away, Miss Cameron thanks Texas Kid for his help.

Recurring Characters

  • Texas Kid

  • Zane Temple

  • Thunder