Nick Peron

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Thor #184

The World Beyond!


Thor has returned to Asgard, summoned by his father Odin. As he walks through the hallowed halls of the kingdom, he notices that his fellow Asgardians are afraid of something and keep looking to the sky. In the All-Father’s chamber, Thor finds his father consumed by the same dread. Odin tells his son that they must deal with a threat from a place called the World Beyond.

To show his son how dire things are, Odin orders his Vizier to bring forth the Cosmic Coals. The smoke from these magical coals allow them both to look upon the entire universe. At the farthest reaches of the cosmos, Thor sees what appears to be a massive hand made entirely out of darkness. He watches in horror as this hand reaches out, snuffing out the very stars and consuming planets in its wake. Odin explains that he sent the Warriors Three to investigate, but they too went missing. When Thor assumes this threat is one of their past foes, the All-Father confirms that both Galactus and Mangog are not responsible. While Loki is still banished on an alien world.[1] To make matters worse, Thor takes Thor into the chamber where the Odinsword is being held. Whatever force is at play is also causing the weapon to slowly push out of its scabbard, threatening to trigger Ragnarok itself.

Odin is also troubled by a word that seems to be trapped in his head that may tie into all of this and that word is infinity. He then introduces Thor to a strange entity that has appeared in Asgard that may tie into Infinity. Odin has come to call him the Silent One as he does not speak, but is certain that this man holds the key to finding out what Infinity is and how to stop it. When Thor tries to force the visitor to speak, he discovers that the Silent One can swat him away like a gnat and that Mjolnir will only harmlessly pass through him.

That’s when Odin tells Thor that he will be leaving the thunder god in charge while he ventures into the World Beyond to face Infinity alone. Thor protests this plan, but Odin insists that Thor stay to watch over Asgard while he is gone. When Odin opens a portal to the World Beyond, the Silent One follows after him. When Thor tires to follow them as well, he is blasted aside by a mystical bolt. Odin’s departure leaves Thor with many questions and he fears that the universe may not live long enough for him to get answers.

While on a distant alien world, Loki begins plotting his next scheme against the realm of Asgard. That’s when he spots a flaming ball of cosmic force fly across the night sky. Knowing that this is Odin and that the All-Father has left Asgard, Loki decides to accelerate his plan. He teleports back to Asgard where he rallies and army of Storm Giants and Trolls to attack the kingdom. Thor is warned in advance when a war party returns and informs him that Balder was taken prisoner. Thor leads the armies of Asgard against Loki’s invasion force. With the help of Sif, the thunder god manages to drive off the invaders and rescue Balder.

Thor celebrates his victory by kissing Sif. That’s when the image of Odin appears before them. He wants to warn Thor that the World Beyond is inching closer to their own universe. His astral projection suddenly vanishes when Odin is apparently attacked by Infinity. This convinces Thor that he has no other choice but to venture into the World Beyond and face Infinity himself.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Odin, Balder, Sif, Loki, the Silent One, Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg), Galactus, Mangog

Continuity Notes

  1. Some facts about the three threats Odin speaks of:

    • Thor previously faced Mangog in Thor #154-157, a battle that ended with the creature being split up into the various aliens that made up his body.

    • Thor also faced Galactus previously in Thor #160-162 and 168-169.

    • Loki was exiled after a failed coup of Asgard. See Thor #175-177 and 179-181.