Nick Peron

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Thor #443

The Mephisto Waltz


Mephisto, posing as Don Blake, tricked Eric Masterson into handing over the enchanted walking stick that transforms into Mjolnir, leaving him without the power of Thor.[1] Desperate to get his power back, Eric has barged in on Doctor Strange, at his Sanctum Sanctorum. Wong tries to stop him, but Stephen Strange was expecting some kind of interruption. The Sorcerer Supreme also knows that Masterson is the new Thor and after hearing his story agrees to help.[2]

Meanwhile, in Hell, Mephisto gloats over his victory to the soul he has trapped in a soul shroud with Thor’s face on it.[3] To further torment his prisoner, Mephisto leaves the enchanted walking stick with the captured soul.

Back in the world of the living, Doctor Strange gives Masterson two mystical artifacts to help him traverse through Mephisto’s realm. The first is a mystical amulet that will protect him from the netherworld’s hostile and toxic environment. He is also given a mystical weapon that he can use to defend himself. Once in hand, Eric’s mind reinterprets the weapon into something he can comprehend: A gun. Lastly, he is given a magic ring that will allow him to travel to the underworld. Doctor Strange will have to remain behind as he needs to focus his magic on the Brazier of Bom’Galiath to maintain Eric’s presence in the netherworld. He will be monitoring things telepathically and will be in mental contact with Eric the entire trip. However, Strange can only keep the brazier burning for so long and cautions Eric to get in and out as quickly as possible or else he’ll be trapped in Hell forever.

Upon his arrival, Masterson is taken aback by the inferno that is Mephisto’s realm. He gets down to work right away, and things are going smoothly as the talisman shields Eric’s presence from the demons that roam this damned domain. Unfortunately, this proves to be short lived as Eric tight ropes across a chasm of flame. The neckless gets caught on a rock out cropping, snapping it loose and causing it to fall in the flames. Mephisto instantly becomes aware of Eric’s presence and uses his own magic to cut off his connection to Doctor Strange. With Masterson in serious trouble, the Sorcerer Supreme uses his power to send a message into deep space to get the assistance of the one being who has the power to save Eric from Mephisto’s realm.

Back in the netherworld, Eric is attacked by a group of demons but he is able to fend them off with his mystical gun. However, this soon warrants Mephisto’s direct attention and his opening salvo knocks the gun out of Masterson’s hand. That’s when the Silver Surfer arrives to keep Mephisto a bay while Eric concludes his mission.[4] This proves to be difficult for Eric as without his mystical protections, the hostile environment is taking its toll on him. Worse, he is dog piled by a group of demons who try to prevent him from recovering his walking stick. Luckily, the soul trapped in the soul shroud is able to briefly break free and banish the creatures with its inner light. Eric thanks the featureless form and is convinced that this is Thor, particularly when the soul returns to the shroud that has the thunder god’s face printed on it.

Eric quickly frees his walking stick and transforms into Thor. He then tries to free the spirit of the true thunder god from the soul shroud, but he has suddenly become intangible. Unfortunately, Doctor Strange cannot keep them in Mephisto’s realm any longer and is forced to return them to the land of the living. Masterson pleads with Strange to send him back so he can free Thor, unfortunately Strange needs time to rest and cannot send him back any time soon. The Silver Surfer also cautions Eric not to believe everything he saw, reminding him that Mephisto is the lord of lies and probably intended for him to see the soul shroud as part of some elaborate trap.

Realizing he has no other choice, Eric reverts back to his mortal guise and takes the subway home. He is pretty down on himself on the ride back, and wishes there was some way he could contact Sif and the other Asgardians and tell them what he’s learned. Still, he commends himself for being able to hold his own against Mephisto. However, this moment of positivity is soon quashed when he gets home and finds an eviction notice on his door. As it turns out the frequent attacks on his apartment has made his landlord consider him a security risk.[5] This deeply upsets Eric because this is yet another instance of his alter-ego negatively impacting his personal life. Somewhere, in the depth of Hell, Mephisto watches and laughs.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Mephisto, Doctor Strange, Silver Surfer, Wong

Continuity Notes

  1. This happened last issue. Thor was banished after seemingly killing Loki in Thor #432. Mephisto posed as Blake to trick into thinking that Thor was banished in his former identity that he helped from Journey into Mystery #83 to Thor #339. In reality, Thor has been subdued within Masterson as we’ll learn in Thor #456-459.

  2. It’s interesting to note here that both Strange and Masterson seem to forget that they met previously inside Thor’s mind when the Doctor assisted Thor in banishing Loki’s taint in Thor #413. Instead, he states he knows who Masterson is since they fought side-by-side recently, he is referring to their then-recent battle against Thanos in Infinity Gauntlet #1-6, Silver Surfer (vol. 3) #52, 59-60, and Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #33 and 35.

  3. This is a red herring. Readers were being led to believe that Thor’s soul was trapped in the soul shroud following his banishment in Thor #432. In reality, it’s actually Odin’s soul that is trapped in there. Loki managed to cheat his death by taking possession of Odin’s body and shunting the All-Father’s spirit into Mephisto’s soul shroud. See Thor #450-455.

  4. The Silver Surfer has clashed with Mephisto many times over the years as the Lord of Lies has been trying to taint his pure soul and claim it for himself. This rivalry dates back to Silver Surfer #3.

  5. Eric’s apartment has been attacked multiple times in the past. First by the Dark Dweller in Thor #416-417, then by Stellaris in issue #420-421, and again in issue #438.

Topical References

  • When Masterson is about to enter Mephisto’s domain he quips that he won’t be needing his American Express card. This should be considered a topical reference as this is a real world product.

  • Later, when Masterson has to use his gun to shoot some demons he says it’s time to “make like the Terminator and hasta la vista” This is a reference to the film Terminator II, which was released around the time this comic book was published. One of the catch phrases from that film was “hasta la vista, baby” which is uttered by the Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) after being taught 90’s slang by the young John Connor (Edward Furlong) whom the robot was sent back in time to protect. The catch phrase was very popular at the time and everyone who thought they were funny but couldn’t tell a joke to save their life would use it well beyond the point where it stopped being funny. Anyway, this action film reference should be considered topical since, we’re talking about a movie that’s now 31 years old time of this writing (June, 2022). Nobody says “Hasta la vista, baby” anymore, not even ironically.