Nick Peron

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Web of Spider-Man #104

Infinity Crusader

In downtown New York, Spider-Man has tracked down the gang that tried to kill him after he was injured by Carnage and his allies.[1] He is angry that they have increased their numbers while he was fighting for his life to save them.[2] Suddenly, there is a bright flash of light as the cosmic entity known as the Goddess appears before Spider-Man. She understands his anger but promises him that a new era of celestial bliss is coming and invites him to join her "Infinity Crusade" for universal peace.[3] Recruiting Spider-Man, the Goddess teleports away with the wall-crawler. By this point, the police arrive on the scene and are surprised when the gang members willingly surrender. Later, at Avengers Headquarters, a gathering of members of the Fantastic Four, Avengers, New Warriors, Alpha Flight, the X-Men, X-Factor, and the Infinity Watch have gathered.[4] They are concerned about the disappearance of many of Earth's heroes, and how some force has been influencing criminals to give up their lawless ways.

Meanwhile, the Goddess has created a world on the opposite side of the sun called Paradise Omega. There she has gathered various heroes of faith, including Spider-Man. She speaks to them, telling them that they can bring upon a universe of peace and devoid of suffering. Hearing this, Spider-Man can't help but believe everything she says in his heart and soul. To this end, she creates a massive Cosmic Egg that will help them bring this change upon the universe. When the Invisible Woman expresses her concern over interference from Eternity or the Living Tribunal, the Goddess assures them that their mission is a holy one. She then asks that her followers guard over her physical form while she begins trying to contact what she calls, the holy spirit. That's when Goddess has Moondragon give them their orders.[5] Back on Earth, Joe Robertson has finished negotiations to repair the Daily Bugle sign and is about to leave the office.[6] That's when J. Jonah Jameson enters the room furious at the lack of crime being reported in the morning's edition of the Daily Bugle. He insists that Joe go out on the street and go looking for crime stories. Joe points out that crime is at an all-time low and the biggest story is a building fire.[7] He tells Jonah that he is getting too old for this sort of thing and leaves. However, instead of going home with his wife, he is actually meeting up with Betty Brant.

Back at Paradise Omega, the Goddess finishes telling her followers of her plan. After telling them that she will see them on the other side of the ultimate enlightenment and goes into meditation. Although Spider-Man believes the Goddess' plan easily enough, he thinks about how he is no good alone. He thinks back to earlier on the evening when he was recruited by Goddess. He and his wife Mary Jane were on the roof of their apartment building.[8] He tells her that he can't do Spider-Man without her support. He also feels that everything has changed after Carnage's rampage across the city. Mary Jane points out that Peter hasn't changed as a result and Peter's ability to make the right choice is his best strength. With that, Spider-Man heads off into the night, as Mary Jane lights a cigarette.[9] With his recollection over, Spider-Man questions how he can live in paradise without Mary Jane and realizes that he has doubts over the Goddess' plan. While the other heroes seem to devote to the cause, Spider-Man decides to bring his doubts to the Goddess for guidance. Moondragon has been reading Spider-Man's thoughts and begins attacking him, telling him that the Goddess is not to be interrupted.

Spider-Man orders Moondragon out of his mind, but she refuses to stop, telling him that he must earn the answers to his questions. Although she can move at the speed of thought, Spider-Man's speed and agility give him an edge. He tries to stop her by shooting webbing in her eyes, but this doesn't stop Moondragon from being able to strike him with a mind blast. Still, Spider-Man fights back when suddenly, the Goddess steps in. Using her mental powers she banishes the wall-crawler into his soulscape to face his demons.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Man, J. Jonah Jameson, Joe Robertson, Betty Brant, Mary Jane Watson, Goddess, Infinity Watch (Moondragon, Drax, Gamora, Maxam, Pip the Troll), X-Men (Professor X, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Archangel, Iceman, Storm, Wolverine, Rogue, Forge), Avengers (Captain America, Black Knight, Vision, Sersi), Thor, Iron Man, Alpha Flight (Guardian, Aurora, Northstar, Puck, Sasquatch, Wildheart, Talisman), Daredevil, Doctor Strange, X-Factor (Havok, Multiple Man, Quicksilver, Strong Guy, Wolfsbane), Hulk, Living Lightning, US Agent, Moon Knight, New Warriors (Night Thrasher, Nova, Rage, Silhouette, Speedball, Namorita, Darkhawk), She-Hulk, Silver Surfer, Wonder Man, Fantastic Four (Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, Thing), Firelord, Hercules

Continuity Notes

  1. These were injuries that Spider-Man sustained in Spider-Man Unlimited #1. The gang tried to get him in Web of Spider-Man #101.

  2. Spider-Man is referring to a battle in Spider-Man #36.

  3. These events occur during the events of Infinity Crusade #1.

  4. The Thing is depicted wearing a helmet here. This is due to the fact that he was slashed in the face by Wolverine in Fantastic Four #374. His face eventually gets healed in Fantastic Four #409.

  5. These events occur in Infinity Crusade #2.

  6. The Daily Bugle sign was damaged by Carnage in Web of Spider-Man #101.

  7. Joe mentions the "chaos" that occurred recently. He is referring to the Maximum Carnage crisis.

  8. Peter and Mary Jane are referred to as husband and wife here. However, years later, their marriage is erased from existence by Mephisto in Amazing Spider-Man #545. As such they should be considered a common-law couple here.

  9. Mary Jane started smoking in Amazing Spider-Man #361 as a means of dealing with the stress of Peter being Spider-Man.


On his way back home after his involvement in the battle against Carnage, Nightwatch detects movement happening in the Museum of Natural History. Smashing through the skylight he catches a group of armed mercenaries skulking around the facility. Thanks to his element of surprise, Nightwatch is able to incapacitate most of the intruders. However, one of them tries to run to warn command center to warn their leader Daniel Davis. Unfortunately, Nightwatch catches him first and demands to know how many intruders are still left.

In the security room, Davis is gloating over his theft of a Macedonian death mask that is worth a fortune. He thanks one of the security guards who helped them pull off this heist by having him shot to death. That's when Nightwatch comes crashing through the wall. While he is busy battling the remaining guards, Davis leaps out a nearby window, putting the mask on his face. He suddenly begins to scream in agony as the mask begins to bond to his face. Rising from the ground, the man says that Daniel Davis is dead and all that remains is Deathgrin.

Recurring Characters

Nightwatch, Deathgrin