
Nick Peron

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Amazing Spider-Man #599

Amazing Spider-Man #599

American Son Conclusion

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As father fights son, Spider-Man struggles to keep conscious, but can’t help but think of the days back when both Peter Parker and Harry Osborn attended Empire State University.[1] The pair had just survived a brawl at a frat party. Harry explains that he started a fight with one of the frat jocks to vent his anger over a visit with his father earlier that day. The whole visit Norman kept on asking Harry about Peter Parker making which deeply upset him. Not only because his father wanted a son more like Peter, but also because Harry wished he had a brother like Peter growing up. Peter then suggested that they be brothers to each other, promising Harry that he’ll never be alone.

Now, watching Harry pit his American Son armor against Norman’s Iron Patriot, Spider-Man wonders what he can do. That’s when the Unstable Molecules that made up his makeshift mask finally destabilize leaving Peter’s face exposed. Harry is furious with his father that he manipulated him only to get at Spider-Man. Norman denies this, saying that he intended to make Harry a hero but admits that destroying the meddling insect was a silver lining, pointing out that it was Harry that handed him Spider-Man on a silver platter. Harry admits that he did, but that was before he learned that Norman had impregnated Lily Hollister and had her convince Harry that the baby was his.[2] Furious, Harry uses his armor to blast his father out of Avengers Tower sending him falling into Central Park.

Spider-Man then approaches Harry, unconcerned that he is no longer wearing his mask, and tells Harry that he only got involved so he wouldn’t have to face this alone. However, Harry had disabled the view screen on the visor in order to protect Spider-Man’s identity. Unaware that he is talking to Peter Parker, he tells Spider-Man that he still hates the wall-crawler for interfering with his life and only saved his life because he owed him.[3] He then tells Spider-Man to stay out of his life from now on. By this point, security has been busy evacuating Avengers Tower of its civilian staff. Among those fleeing the scene is Norah Winters who had gotten a job as a tour guide in order to find dirt on Norman Osborn for the Front Line. Having uncovered the truth about the American Son program, she thanks the security guard who unknowingly gave her access to the restricted areas to get her story, intending never to come back again.

While down in the park below, Menace comes to the aid of Norman Osborn, who is impressed with the tactical abilities of the American Son armor. She apologizes for making Harry attack him. However, Norman is far from angry, telling her that everything is going according to plan and that she’ll know when he’s actually mad. That’s when Harry arrives in his American Son armor demanding to know how his father could do this to him. Fighting back, Norman admits that he wasted his time trying to groom his son into a suitable heir and decided that producing another offspring would produce better results. When he discovered Lily had the Goblin Formula coursing through her veins he considered her a suitable mate, something that Lily openly accepted.[4] Overpowering Harry, Norman then denounces him as no longer being his son. Before Norman can lay a killing blow Spider-Man arrives — having made a make-shift mask out of scrap of his costume — but Menace quickly gets between the wall-crawler and Norman.

However, this has given Harry the breather he needs and he renews his attack on his father, telling Norman that he agrees with his father, saying he was never Norman’s son. As Spider-Man quickly deals with menace, Harry easily incapacitates his father and has him at his mercy. As Harry prepares to make the killing blow, Spider-Man thinks about his earlier conversation with Wolverine where the feral mutant told Spider-Man if he ever gets the opportunity to end Norman Osborn’s life to take it.[5] He then stops Harry to give him advice on the best way of killing Norman, telling Harry to decapitate his father to be surely reminding him of the healing properties of the Goblin Formula.[6] When Harry asks why Spider-Man is telling him this, the wall-crawler explains that if Harry kills his father he will become just the man that his father was trying to turn him into all these years. Even when Norman mocks Harry for his life’s accomplishments, Harry can’t bring himself to kill his own father.[7] Stripping off his American Son armor, Harry turns around and walks away, telling his father to enjoy his new family. Seeing Harry take control of his life and walking away from his father does Peter proud.

After the battle, Spider-Man slips away to change back into Peter Parker and check himself into the hospital to treat his injuries. There he is visited by his Aunt May and her fiancee Jay Jameson.[8] When Peter expresses his concerns over the costs, Jay assures Peter that he’ll cover the bill. Seeing Harry sent him flowers, he wonders who Harry has to rely on now that he doesn’t have a family and won’t talk to his best friend. At that moment, Harry is struggling with the withdrawal symptoms of his body clearing of the American Son enhancements. Seeing his doctor for help she recommends putting Harry on some pain killers.[9] Meanwhile, Norah Winters is on the phone with Ben Urich assuring him that her current story is sure to win a Pulitzer. That’s when Norman Osborn hacks into her laptop and shows her a video showing the security guard whose passcard she stole being killed. He warns Norah that he never forgets people who meddle in her affairs. While at the same time, Norman Osborn has his ear pressed against Lily Hollister’s belly to hear signs of his growing baby. After telling the baby that it will be his Goblin Prince, he feels the baby kick for the first time.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Man, Iron Patriot, Menace, American Son, Norah Winters, Aunt May, Jay Jameson

Continuity Notes

  1. According to the Marvel Chronology Project, this flashback takes place after Amazing Spider-Man #52. Peter and Harry had attended Empire State University together from Amazing Spider-Man #31 to 137.

  2. \When isn’t an Osborn relationship somewhat incestuous? This time! While Lily Hollister claimed last issue that she is carrying Norman’s baby, it is later revealed — via DNA test — in Amazing Spider-Man #646 that the baby is truly Harry’s child after all.

  3. It seems pretty convenient that Harry disabled the viewers on his helmet right? Not exactly. Spider-Man had Doctor Strange cast a spell to erase the memories of Spider-Man’s identity of anyone who knew it, including Harry who knew Peter Parker was Spider-Man since Amazing Spider-Man #135. Part of the spell also prevents anyone from discovering Spider-Man’s identity unless he specifically unmasks before them, hence Harry conveniently shutting off his means of learning Spider-Man’s identity. Details on the spell can be found in Amazing Spider-Man #591, 641, and 673.

  4. Norman Osborn discovered that Lily Hollister was altered by his Goblin Formula back in Amazing Spider-Man #588 and took her under his wing.

  5. Spider-Man and Wolverine had a conversation about Norman Osborn in Amazing Spider-Man #595.

  6. Spider-Man’s not joking since he’s seen first hand how Norman could recover from a seemingly fatal injury. Norman survived being impaled by his own Goblin glider in Amazing Spider-Man #122. The details to his survival are explained in Spider-Man: The Osborn Journal #1. However, Norman remained hidden for years and Spider-Man didn’t learn about his survival until Spider-Man #75.

  7. Norman mocks Harry’s sobriety and the coffee shop he owns. Harry has struggled with drug addiction since Amazing Spider-Man #96 but has remained sober since Amazing Spider-Man #545. The coffee shop in question is the Coffee Bean, one of Harry’s old university hangouts that he ended up buying in Amazing Spider-Man #547.

  8. Aunt May and Jay joke about Peter injuring himself in order to get out of a trip to Boston. However, Peter is out of the hospital in time for the trip which happens in Amazing Spider-Man Annual #36. Aunt May’s references to using Twitter and Facebook should be considered topical.

  9. Specifically, she recommends Oxycontin, also known under its generic name of Oxycodone. Oxy is a highly addictive pain killer. The use of its brand name Oxycontin should be considered topical. While addictions to Oxy are still a huge problem today as I write this (May 2020), the drug will probably be phased out of commercial use as non-addictive alternatives become available/more affordable.

Amazing Spider-Man #598

Amazing Spider-Man #598

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #36

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #36