
Nick Peron

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Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 3) #7

Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 3) #7

Ms. Marvel Team-Up

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Peter Parker has been helping Cindy Moon use the internet to try and find her missing family members. However, the pheromones between the pair make it hard for the pair to be together without being overwhelmed with lust. Thankfully, Anna Maria Marconi is there to help the pair keep apart and focused on the task at hand. It’s a tough job and she has to regularly split the pair up. Eventually, Cindy gets fed up and changes into Silk. She thanks Peter for his help, but decides to continue her search on her own, as she is confident that her new job at the Fact Channel will help her locate her parents. Before Peter can go after her, Anna Maria asks to talk about his constant need to go out as Spider-Man.

Meanwhile, at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital, a gang of mercenaries led by Doctor Minerva stages a daring robbery. This is spotted by one of Ms. Marvel’s street team and fears that this woman — who is wearing a costume that is identical to the one first worn by the original Ms. Marvel — reports it online.[1]

At that moment, at the Coles Academic High School in Jersey City, Kamala Khan’s friend Bruno Carrelli is expressing his concerns over her juggling school on top of being Ms. Marvel. That’s when Kamala gets the message about Doctor Minerva. Changing into Ms. Marvel, Kamala heads off to face this menace, leaving Bruno to make excuses for her absence from school.

Back at Peter Parker’s apartment, Anna Maria Marconi has wired up one of Otto Octavius’ old spider-bots to give Peter a lesson. She forces him to sit and listen to the police band until he realizes that law enforcement can deal with most problems without his help. She tries to convince him to adopt a similar method that Otto used, but Peter points out that this failed when the Goblin Nation tried to take over the city.[2] However, Peter does see the merit in considering a similar option, particularly since Anna Maria and Sajani Jaffrey are demanding more of him at Parker Industries. That’s when he hears a bulletin about the attack on St. Luke’s and abruptly heads out as Spider-Man. As Spider-Man web-slings to the scene, he admits that Anna Maria is right, but will have to think about it further.

Meanwhile, Doctor Minerva and her minions are racing to their hideout when they are intercepted by Ms. Marvel. She stomps on Minerva and then knocks over her gang’s getaway van. Knocking the doors of the van open, Ms. Marvel discovers that they are stolen a NuHuman who is still in their cocoon.[3] Her momentary distraction leaves her open to attack by Minerva. The blow sends Ms. Marvel flying into the air, but she is caught by Spider-Man. Kamala is starstruck by Spider-Man and is excited that they are finally having a team-up.[4] While Spider-Man is busy getting the novice hero to focus, Minerva and her minions set the van right and check on the cocoon.[5]

Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel confront Doctor Minerva. The web-slinger is convinced that Minerva will be an easy foe since doesn’t have the full power of the original Ms. Marvel. That’s when Minerva tells them that she has undergone experimentation as part of the Kree empire’s super-soldier program and shows off her new powers by transforming into a monstrous form. Recurring Characters

Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel, Doctor Minerva, Silk, Anna Maria Marconi, Bruno Carrelli, Clayton Cole (unidentified)

Continuity Notes

  1. The original Ms. Marvel — Carol Danvers — wore a similar costume from Ms. Marvel #1-19.

  2. When Doctor Octopus was controlling Peter Parker’s body he built an army of spider-bots to monitor the city and route the emergency crews to resources that Otto deemed beneath him. They first rolled out in Superior Spider-Man #2. However, they were hacked by the Green Goblin in Superior Spider-Man #10, allowing anyone with goblin masks or tattoos to becoming invisible to the robots. This led to the Goblin Nation attempted to conquer the city in Superior Spider-Man #27-31.

  3. Ms. Marvel notes that she was similarly sealed in a cocoon when she got her own powers. See Ms. Marvel (vol. 3) #1.

  4. Kamala asks if it’s true that Spider-Man and the original Ms. Marvel once dated. Peter asked out Danvers out on a date in Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #34. They went on one awkward date in issue #47 of that series.

  5. One of Minerva’s minions is concerned about Spider-Man because they have a past history. Next issue this minion is identified as Clayton Cole who, as the Clash, fought Spider-Man early on in the web-slinger’s career. See Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 3) #1.1-1.5

Topical References

  • Cindy is looking for Netscape on Peter Parker’s computer so she can browse the internet. Per the Sliding Timescale, Silk was locked away about 13 years prior to this story. At the time of publication that would have made the last time, she used the internet was back in 2001. Back then Netscape was still a fairly well-used web-browser but was on its way out. The last version of Netscape rolled out in 2007 before it was discontinued. Regardless, references to Netscape should be considered topical because as the Sliding Timescale (as of 2020) has moved forward enough that Cindy would have been locked away around the year 2007 instead of 2001.

  • Real-world companies: Facebook

Web of Fear

Billy Braddock, Spider-UK of the Captain Britain Corps, is accessing the Omniversal Hub of Otherworld to scan multiverse for dimensional intrusions. The computer finds just such an incursion on Earth-1983. In that reality, Morlun is consuming the life-force of that world’s Spider-Man after laying waste to his amazing friends.[1] With Spider-Man’s life force consumed, Morlun tosses away his lifeless husk. That’s when Ms. Lion, the Amazing Friends pet comes into the room to bark at Morlun. The killer gives the dog little notice and heads off to another dimension to find another victim, leaving Ms. Lion to mourn the loss of her owners.

The next reality Spider-UK views is Earth-999 where he witnesses Brix and Bola toy with Spider-Cat, that reality’s spider-totem, before consuming its life force.[2] Despite his growing horror, Spider-UK moves onto the next world. This one, Earth-7831, he is even more horrified to see Daemos had ended up on a world of New Men, giving him even more animal-totems to feast upon on top of Spider-Man.[3] His brother Jennix soon arrives to recover his brother, telling him that their father has ordered them to only consume the life-forces of spider-totems. That’s when Jennix detects that someone is watching them and uses one of his devices to cut off Spider-UK’s feed.

Having seen enough, Billy Braddock decides that it is time to enlist the aid of the rest of the Captain Britain Corps. However, at the palace of Saturnyne, the majistrix and Roma are more concerned about a series of incursions that have been laying waste to the multiverse.[4] They are being informed of the latest victor, Captain Lionheart of Earth-5682. That’s when Spider-UK arrives and addresses Saturnyne and Roma and tells them about the Inheritors hunt on the Spider-Men of the multiverse. Although Saturnyne has more pressing concerns, Roma has sympathy for Spider-UK’s plight. With her powers, she gives Spider-UK a device that will allow him to travel through the multiverse and gather an army of Spider-Men to fight the Inheritors. She charges Spider-UK to keep the spiders of the multiverse safe. He thanks Roma for his help and promises her that he will follow her orders.

Recurring Characters

Spider-UK, Roma, Saturnyne, Inheritors (Morlun, Brix, Bora, Daemos, Jennix), Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends (Spider-Man, Firestar, Iceman, Ms. Lion), Spider-Cat

Continuity Notes

All reality numbers were confirmed in Spider-Geddon Handbook unless otherwise stated.

  1. This as taking place on Earth-1983. This reality resembles the cartoon Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, however that show exists on Reality-8107. Earth-1983 is a variant of that reality that was first seen in Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends #1, a one-shot that adapted the first episode of the cartoon series. The reality index for the cartoon was first identified in the Spider-Man: Back in Black Handbook.

  2. This has been confirmed as the same Spider-Cat that was seen in Spider-Island: I Love New York City #1.

  3. This reality appears to be similar to the one seen in the Spider-Man Unlimited cartoon. However, the cartoon exists on Reality-751263 in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #4.

  4. The Incursions involve different versions of Earth colliding with one another in groups of three, wiping out the corresponding universes they belong to. This crisis first appeared in New Avengers (vol. 3) #1

Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 3) #6

Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 3) #6

Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 3) #8

Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 3) #8