
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Avengers #115

Avengers #115

Below Us the Battle!

The Avengers are heading to England as they have lost contact with the Black Knight and are concerned about his well being. They are stopped mid-flight by an agent of SHIELD’s British division. He has come to bar the Swordsman’s entry into the country due to his criminal past. However, the Avengers manage to convince the agent that their new ally has reformed. The only one who doesn’t fully trust the Swordsman is Captain America, but he keeps his doubts to himself. The SHIELD agent decides to allow the Avengers into the country, telling them that they will be held responsible if the Swordsman commits any crimes while on British soil.[1]

Moments later, the Avengers Quinjet lands outside of Garret Castle, the home of the Black Knight.[2] When they try entering the castle, the group find an invisible barrier preventing them from entering. It blocks everything, including Thor’s hammer, Swordsman’s sword, the Vision’s phasing powers, and the Scarlet Witch’s hex bolts. That’s when Mantis decides to use her empathic abilities to try and divine the source of this barrier. As she meditates, none of the Avengers see a primitive looking man poke his head up from a hidden hole in the ground. Mantis meanwhile learns that the barrier was put in place by Doctor Strange to prevent anyone from intruding on the castle for reasons unknown.[3] The Black Panther recalls how Doctor Strange helped him in the past, but wonders why the mystic would do this.[4]

That’s when the Avengers are ambushed by a gang of primitives known as the Troglodytes. The brutes attack the Avengers with medieval weapons and manage to knock out the heroes with gas bombs. The Avengers are then taken into the Troglodyes’ underground cavern and brought before their leader, a man named Skol. When Avengers awaken, Skol explains that his people have lived under ground for centuries after their ancestors were driven underground to escape persecution from the king. Since then they had regularly raided Garret Castle for food and supplies until recently when the mystical barrier stopped them from doing so. Skol believes the Avengers responsible and sentences them to death.

The heroes are dumped into a pit where a massive insectile creature attacks them. By this time, the effects of the knock out gas has fully worn off and the Avengers break free. They then quickly slay the creature. Skol then orders all the torches put out so they can use the cover of darkness against their captives. However, they do not reckon that the Black Panther can see in the dark as easily as they can. When T’Challa beats Skoll into submission, he convinces the Troglodyte leader to surrender. Soon, the Avengers calls in an aid group that will treat the primitives and help them integrate into modern society.

With the battle over, the Avengers return to their Quinjet and fly home so they can confront Doctor Strange and learn what he has done with the Black Knight.

Recurring Characters

Avengers (Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Swordsman, Black Panther, Vision, Mantis), SHIELD

Continuity Notes

  1. The Swordsman started off his career as a villain back in Avengers #19. He has since reformed, convincing the Avengers to allow him and Mantis, his lover, to join the team last issue.

  2. It is mentioned here that the Black Knight did not answer summons to assist in the team’s battle with Magneto. See Avengers #110-111 and Daredevil #99.

  3. Doctor Strange erected this barrier following the events of Defenders #4, when the Black Knight was turned into stone while assisting the team against Enchantress and Executioner.

  4. Doctor Strange assisted the Black Knight and Black Panther stop Ymir and Surtur from destroying the world in Avengers #61.

Prologue: Alliance Most Foul

Some time ago, Loki was defeated in battle against his brother Thor.[1] Blinded and thrown off a cliff, Loki is suddenly teleported away before he can hit the ground. He soon finds himself in the Dark Dimension, the domain of the dreaded Dormammu. Dormammu has renewed his desire to conquer the Earth dimension and has sought Loki out as an ally, offering to restore the Asgardian’s vision if he assists him. Dormammu explains that he has vowed never to try and conquer the Earth after being defeated by Doctor Strange.[2]

However, Dormammu has found a way around this scheme by harnessing the power of the Evil Eye. This mystical artifact will give him the power to merge his dimension with Earth, thus freeing him from his promise. Loki is quick to point out that the Evil Eye was reported destroyed in the recent past.[3] That’s when Dormammu reveals that the Evil Eye was not destroyed, only split into six different components that were spread across the globe. He now intends to manipulate his foe Doctor Strange and his allies in the Defenders into recovering the components and rebuilding the Evil Eye so he can steal it. Willing to destroy the Earth in order to get back at his brother, Loki agrees to an alliance and the pair shake on it.

… This story is continued in Defenders #8.

Recurring Characters

Loki, Dormammu

Continuity Notes

  1. These events take place immediately after Thor #207.

  2. Dormammu was forced into this bond following his defeat in Strange Tales #126-127.

  3. The Evil Eye was seemingly destroyed when it reached critical mass back in Fantastic Four #54.

Avengers #114

Avengers #114

Avengers #116

Avengers #116