
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Avengers #128

Avengers #128

Bewitched, Bothered, and Dead!

This story continues from Fantastic Four #150…

The Avengers and Fantastic Four have arrived at Avengers Mansion, following the wedding of Quicksilver to Crystal of the Inhumans. There, they are attacked by a sudden lightning storm. As everyone scrambles to safety, Thor tries to use his power over the storm to stop it, but it does not work. Agatha Harkness, a sorceress in her own right, detects that this was an attack launched against her and is able to banish the storm with a spell. With the danger passed, Agatha apologizes for the attack and then tells the Fantastic Four that she is ending her tenure as Franklin’s babysitter so she can train the Scarlet Witch in the ways of witchcraft.[1] Flattered to be given the opportunity, Wanda gladly accepts and the Fantastic Four head off, wishing Harkness and the Scarlet Witch the best of luck. As they take off, the Thing and Medusa can’t tell if the Vision is romantically interested in the Scarlet Witch, or Mantis.

While down in the darkened alley below, the mystic who just tried to destroy Agatha Harkness with the storm continues his plot to eliminate the elderly witch. Overhearing how she is taking on the Scarlet Witch as a student, this mystery man vows to destroy Wanda as well.

Inside the mansion, Wanda shows Agatha Harkness to her room where the old crone will be staying.[2] That’s when Agatha’s familiar, Ebony, enters the room. Wanda is surprised to see the black cat and wonders how it got into the mansion. When the Vision enters the room, Wanda hopes they can finally talk about their issues but Agatha orders the android out, telling him that Wanda is not to be interrupted during her training.[3] Much to Wanda’s dismay, the Vision complies with the order. With the Vision gone, Harkness casts a spell so nobody can hear what transpires in the room. This concerns Wanda who is then told that they are about to be attacked.

As if on cue, Ebony fluffs up and as the diminuitive Necrodamus teleports into the room. He explains that he has come for Agatha’s soul to restore the power he lost when the Defenders defeated him and his masters, the Undying Ones, leaving him a misshapen dwarf.[4] When Agatha tries to attack the intruder with a spell, it restores him to his true size. Next, Ebony transforms into his monstrous form, but is easily fought off by Necrodamus. He then blasts Harkness with a mystical bolt, leaving the Scarlet Witch alone against him.

Outside of the room, the Swordsman once again tries to get Mantis to make a choice between him or the Vision. She has gotten sick of the Swordman’s weakness and insecurities and has decided that he is not worth of her love. After she walks out on him, the Swordsman gives in to his anger and vows to kill Mantis. As he trashes the room, Iron Man and Thor come rushing in and when their ally can’t get ahold of himself they are forced to restrain him. The Swordsman then breaks down in tears. Hearing him wallow in his misery, the Mantis ignores the cries of her former lover and goes to the Vision’s room and asks him if she can enter.

As Wanda fights for her life against Necrodamus, she begins weaken because from all the hex bolts she uses to defend herself. Unaware of what’s going on, Mantis asks the Vision for advice. She finds herself conflicted over her memories of being a homeless orphan and the recent revelations that she was trained by the mysterious Priests of Pama.[5] The Vision wishes he can help but he has problems of his own, reminding her how he froze up in battle twice in the past and fears that he might be losing his mind.[6]

Back in Agatha’s room, Necrodamus approaches Wanda with his graven box intending to trap her soul within. However, before he can, Wanda finds a new wellspring of strength and shatters the box with one of her hex bolts. This causes the souls trapped inside to begin swarming Necrodamus, pulling him away to some hellish nether realm. In the aftermath of the battle, Agatha Harkness gets up and reveals that she was playing possum and that Wanda passed her first test. Amused by the old crone’s ploy, Wanda admits that things are going to be more interesting with her around.

While outside the room, Mantis tries to make a romantic advance on the Vision. Although he is emotionally conflicted, he stops her out of respect to Wanda. That’s when a bright light begins to illuminate the night sky above Avengers Mansion, causing the crowds outside to panic. Alerted to the screams, the Avengers race outside to see a star has appeared in the night sky.[7] As they try to figure out what’s going on, Kang the Conqueror appears before them saying that the star above is a sign that their era is finally rip for conquest.[8]

Recurring Characters

Avengers (Iron Man, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Swordsman, the Vision, Mantis), Agatha Harkness, Necrodamus, Fantastic Four (Mister Fantastic, Invisible Girl, Human Torch, Thing, Medusa), Franklin Richards, Ebony, Kang the Conqueror

Continuity Notes

  1. Some facts about Agatha Harkness here…

    • She was hired to babysit Franklin Richards when Reed and Sue were busy starting in Fantastic Four #94.

    • The reason why Harkness has chosen to teach Wanda is likely because she actually comes from a long line of Scarlet Witches and Warlocks as detailed in Scarlet Witch (vol. 2) #1-15.

  2. Agatha mentions how her home was destroyed. That happened when she was kidnapped by Annihilus in Fantastic Four #134.

  3. Wanda and the Vision have been having issues since the Swordsman accused him of trying to steal Mantis away from him. See Avengers #126.

  4. Necrodamus fought the Defenders in Defenders #1-3.

  5. Mantis was told part of her past in Avengers #123-124. It is later revealed in issues #134-135 that she was being trained to become the Celestial Madonna. In order to teach her about humanity, the Priests of Pama blocked out her memories and sent her out into the world.

  6. The Vision froze when trapped in quicksand in Avengers #118 and again in issue #122 when he had to rescue Cornelius Van Lundt from a swimming pool. These are clues that the Vision was constructed from the original Human Torch’s android body, which we’ll also learn in issues #134-135.

  7. This star is a sign that the Celestial Madonna is about to be revealed as we’ll learn through the course of Avengers #129-135 and Giant-Size Avengers #2-4. It is also signaling the Trial of the Watcher which takes place in Captain Marvel #39.

  8. Kang’s scheme to take the Celestial Madonna as his bide is expanded upon in Fantastic Four Annual #25 and Avengers Forever #8.

Topical References

  • Kang the Conquerer states that the Modern Age is part of the 20th Century. This should be considered a topical reference per the Sliding Timescale. The Modern Age has been pushed ahead enough that it now does not begin until the 21st Century.

  • Dated pop-culture references: The Exorcist

Avengers #127

Avengers #127

Avengers #129

Avengers #129