
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Avengers #84

Avengers #84

The Sword and the Sorceress!

The Black Knight rides his flying horse Aragorn across an alien landscape where he is searching for the so-called Well at the Center of Time. There, he plans on tossing his Ebony Blade into the well in order to destroy it because the enchanted weapon is causing him to develop an uncontrollable desire to take human life. However, he cannot bring himself to throw the weapon in. He is then attacked by armored warriors. As it turns out, the Black Knight is in the realm of Arkon. When Arkon arrives on the scene he tosses one of his lightning bolts at the Black Knight, knocking the hero off his horse.

Seeing this in a nightmare, the Scarlet Witch wakes up screaming, drawing the other Avengers to her bedside.[1] She insists that the dream was real and the other Avengers begin investigating while she gets dressed. When Wanda joins the others, Quicksilver has attempted to call the Black Knight in England only to learn from Dane Whitman’s butler that he is not home. As they need the power of Mjolnir to cross the dimensional threshold to Arkon’s world, the Black Knight goes out to find Thor.

Meanwhile, back in Arkon’s dimension, the Black Knight is brought before Arkon and his new consort, the Enchantress. The Asgardian sorceress has convinced Arkon that the Black Knight has come to his world to spy on him. When questioned about his presence on Arkon’s planet, the Black Knight refuses to explain himself, only saying that had come on a private matter. In order to get him to talk, the Enchantress kisses the Knight putting him in her thrall. The Black Knight then explains how the enchantment of his Ebony Blade compelled him to kill some jewel thieves trying to make an escape in a helicopter. He managed to save them at the last moment, but he suspected his sword might be negatively influencing him. Dante Whitman then returned to his ancestral castle where he uses a mystical brazer to contact the spirit of his ancestor, Sir Percy of Scandia the original Black Knight. Sir Percy confirms Dane’s worst fears and tells him that the solution he seeks can be found at Stonehenge. Riding Aragorn to Stonehenge, the Black Knight was greeted by an old crone in a cloak. All this crone would say is that the Knight must seek out the Well at the Center of Time and cast a spell sending him to Arkon’s dimension. Once Dane has concluded his story, Arkon still believes he is lying and under encouragement from the Enchantress, he orders his men to prepare for an attack by the rest of the Avengers.

Back on Earth, the Black Panther has managed to find Thor, and the pair return to Avengers Mansion. However, as they arrive the entire mansion is teleported away. In the flickering flames, the Enchantress appears before the two Avengers and reveals that she was the one who sent their headquarters away. Meanwhile, the other Avengers are rocked by the sudden teleportation, and going outside they discover that they have been transported to Arkon’s world and an entire army is standing outside their door. The Avengers race into battle but they are quickly defeated thanks to a spell cast by the Enchantress that caused their powers to fade.

Encased in energy cocoons to sap their strength, the captured Avengers are then brought before Arkon. There they discover the Black Knight is under the control of the Enchantress. Before being throwing the intruders into his dungeon, Arkon gives the Scarlet Witch another opportunity to become his bride. However, Wanda refuses as she prefers to die an Avenger.

Later, Thor and the Black Panther arrive through the dimensional hopping power of Mjolnir. While Thor deals with Arkon’s armies, the Black Panther finds their comrades in the dungeon. Seeing that they are under the spell of the Enchantress, the Black Panther compels the Vision to change his density to the point his weight causes the dungeon floor to buckle. This also works to shatter the spell allowing the team to break free. By this time, Thor is fending off attacks by both Arkon and the Black Knight when the other Avengers arrive. In the ensuing battle, the Enchantress and Scarlet Witch match their powers against each other. The result of Wanda’s hex causes the Black Knight to be freed from the Enchantress’ spell.

The Black Knight then charges at Arkon and tosses his sword. Arkon responds by hurling one of his lightning bolts. When the two weapons strike, it causes the Ebony Blade to fall into the Well at the Center of Time causing it to explode.[2] Realizing the Black Knight was really telling the truth, Arkon orders an immediate end of the battle. With the Enchantress having escaped again, Arkon allows the Avengers to return home without further conflict. Before leaving, Thor points to all of the destruction and tells Arkon that this is the fruits of engaging in a needless war.

Recurring Characters

Avengers (Thor, Goliath, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Black Knight, Black Panther, the Vision), Arkon, Enchantress, Black Knight (Sir Percy), Aragorn

Continuity Notes

  1. Wanda recounts their last encounter with Arkon. That was in Avengers #75-76.

  2. Although the Ebony Blade is seemingly destroyed here it actually ends up in the possession of Ares the God of War, as revealed in Avengers #100.

Avengers #83

Avengers #83

Avengers #85

Avengers #85