
Nick Peron

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Avengers (vol. 3) #30

Avengers (vol. 3) #30

The Death-Song of Kulan Gath: Conclusion

On the behalf of their ally Silverclaw, the Avengers have come to the village of Kamekeri to prevent a great evil from being unleashed. Upon their arrival they have discovered that the ancient sorcerer known as Kulan Gath has reverted the area into a Hyborean era kingdom. With most of the Avengers — Goliath, the Scarlet Witch, Warbird, She-Hulk, and Triathlon — his prisoner, Kulan Gath gives them a front row seat to his sacrificial ceremony. Gath intends to sacrifice Silverclaw’s mother, the goddess Peliali, in the hopes the spell will transform the entire planet into his ideal Hyperborean era or rip the planet asunder.[1]

Meanwhile, Iron Man and the Wasp are meeting with the president of Costa Verde. They have come to petition him for more time to restore the village of Kamekeri to normal. The Wasp tries to explain the transformation spell that protects the village from the outside world and how the Avengers have been able to counteract it using communication chips infused with chaos magic. However, the president and the head of his military insist on dealing with the situation as this is still their country. That’s when Iron Man comes with a sudden idea on what they can do moving forward.

Back in Kamekeri, Kulan Gath begins his sacrifice by creating a soul-siphon that will drain Peliali’s lifeforce. As the Avengers struggle to get free, Silverclaw recognizes Esme, one of the girls she grew up with. Calling out Esme’s name, Maria manages to temporarily reach her through Kulan Gath’s transformation, but one of the guards zaps her into silence. That’s when the guards notice that they only have six captives, when the master said there was seven, but dismiss this concern. Little do they know that this seventh intruder is lurking around the shadows waiting for the right time to strike.[2] Goliath notices that the jolt was electricity and not magic. Straining against the spell surrounding his cage, he shrinks down in size. Free from his cage, Hank tricks one of the guards into firing a bolt of electricity at Warbird. This charges up her power enough for her to break free from her bonds and free the others.

That’s when Iron Man and the Wasp arrive with the army to provide reinforcements. Iron Man gambled that the counter-spell that protects the Avengers would protect the soldiers if they turned their radios to the same frequency as the enchanted communications chip. Much to his relief, his theory pans out and they remain unchanged by Kulan Gath’s spell. However, this only works so long as none of the soldiers are struck by Kulan Gath’s magical bolts which a powerful enough to shatter the counter-spell. With each soldier and tank struck, adds more warriors to the sorcerer’s side. In order to keep the Avengers at bay, Kulan Gath then uses his power to transform some of his followers into demons. With the heroes pro-occupied he pulls a sacrificial dagger from his robe and prepares to finish Peliali off.

Realizing that she has a connection to her homeland and its people through it, Silverclaw gets up onto one of the towers and calls out to her people and tells them to lend their belief in Peliali to help her fight. Before Gath can react, gloved hand reaches out from the shadows and blasts him with a bio-sting. The people’s cheers soon reach a swell and their worship gives Peliali the power to open a portal to the domain of Kulan Gath’s dark masters. However, rather that reward the sorcerer is yanked screaming into their domain.[3]

Suddenly, everything snaps back to normal as Kulan Gath’s spell is broken. However, Peliali remains mortally wounded and lays dying in her daughters arms. She explains that the reason why she remained hidden all these years is as the other gods were right, their time had passed and it was time for their worshipers to move on to other beliefs.[4] However, she admits that abandoning her daughter was a bad decision. Despite this, she is confidant that her daughter will be able to take her place as the guardian of their people. As Maria tells her mother that she loves her, Peliali physical form turns into energy and dissipates.

Soon, the Avengers are on their way back home. On the way, the Wasp orders Goliath to undergo some tests to make sure that there is nothing wrong with him after he has felt unwell on this mission. Iron Man makes another attempt to make peace with Triathlon, and this time Delroy accepts the offer to start fresh and shakes hands.[5] Silverclaw has decided to accompany the Avengers back to New York as she wants to finish her schooling before returning home to defend her people. That’s when the Scarlet Witch suggests that Silverclaw become a reserve member of the team. Everyone unanimously agrees, brightening Maria’s mood immensely.

Little do they know that there is a stowaway on board with them, Yellowjacket. Overhearing the Avengers talk he has found this adventure to be very amusing and wonders what kind of trouble he can get into next.

Recurring Characters

Avengers (Iron Man, Goliath, Wasp, Scarlet Witch, Warbird, She-Hulk, Triathlon), Silverclaw, Kulan Gath, Peliali, Yellowjacket

Continuity Notes

  1. Kulan Gath got loose and began his latest plot over the last two issues.

  2. This is a second version of Hank Pym. When Hank first stepped through the area protected by Kulan Gath’s transformation spell in issue #28 it caused him to split into two entities. One is the analytical Goliath while the other is the emotional Yellowjacket. The two will remain apart until their failing health forces them back together in Avengers Annual 2001.

  3. Kulan Gath will return to terrorize the Modern Age anew. Resurfacing in Spider-Man/Red Sonja #1-5.

  4. According to the legends, when Christian missionaries came to Costa Verde and began converting the locals, the Apu decided it was time to move on from this world. Per Thor & Hercules: The Encyclopedia Mythologica #1, the Apu now reside in the other-dimensional realm known as Hanan Pacha. As of this writing (January, 2023), Peliali remains among the deceased.

  5. Relations between Triathlon and the Avengers, Iron Man in particular, have been strained due to the circumstances behind his joining the team in Avengers (vol. 3) #27. Iron Man was reluctant to admit him because of his membership in the Triune Understanding, a religious order that has it out for the Avengers. To Triathlon’s benefit, he remains unaware and ignorant to these schemes. Regardless he is aware that Iron Man didn’t want him on the team. He was arrogant to everyone until Warbird pulled him aside last issue and told him to get the rest of the team a chance.

Avengers (vol. 3) #29

Avengers (vol. 3) #29

Avengers Annual 2000

Avengers Annual 2000