Nick Peron

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West Coast Avengers #2

Blanking Out!


Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Iron Man, and Tigra — of the newly formed West Coast Avengers — are having their first training session on the grounds of Avengers Compound, in Los Angeles. Despite Iron Man’s superior fire power, the other four Avengers are able to take him down by working together as a team. However, Iron Man shows them that he’s not out by blasting the ground with his repulsons and knocking everyone off their feet. Hawkeye is impressed, and recounts how he used to scrap with Iron Man back in the day, unaware that the man in the Iron Man armor is not the original Iron Man, but Jim Rhodes, his replacement.[1][2] While everyone is making jokes, Tigra still doesn’t feel like she fits in on the team compared to more experienced and powerful heroes.[3] Iron Man also wonders if he should tell his teammates the truth, that he’s not the original Iron Man, since he more than proved that he was capable during the Avengers time on Battleworld.[4]

Meanwhile, in a quiet Los Angeles sub-division, Simon Williams — aka Wonder Man — is moving out of the house he shared with Freddy, a fellow stunt man, so he can live at Avengers Compound. Freddy is surprised that Simon has removed the whole back panel of their house in order to load things into a massive shipping crate as quickly as possible. Simon is certain that he can juggle his career as a Hollywood stunt man and being a member of the Avengers. After replacing the wall, Simon begins hammering the crate shut but runs out of nails and suggests Freddy tag along while he goes down to the hardware store.

When they get downtown it’s just as a brand new criminal is robbing the Pacific Bank. Protected by a field that makes him bullet proof and obscure his features, this brand new crook likes it when one of the patrons calls him a “blank” and decides to call himself the Blank from now on.[5] With the guards unable to stop him, the Blank makes his escape and runs right into Simon Williams. Thinking he is facing an ordinary guy, the Blank shoots Simon at point blank (HA!) range but the bullets bounce harmlessly off his impervious body. In the ensuing struggle, Wonder Man has a hard time keeping hold of the Blank because his field makes him slippery. He attempts to lock the robber in the bank vault, but the Blank manages to slip out of his grasp. Ducking into the crowd, the Blank deactivates his protective field, allowing him to blend in with the crowd of gawkers and slip away unnoticed.

Later, the Blank is watching the news and getting a good laugh over his first successful robbery and thinks about how he got his fantastic blanking device. Not that long ago, the man who would become the Blank was waiting to take the city bus, which was running late. He was joined by a scientist who was so upset about Obadiah Stane’s recent acquisition of Stark International that he decided to take his latest invention and strike out on his own.[6] Growing impatient, the scientist then tried to cross the street without looking and was fatally struck by a car. When the bag containing his latest invention landed next to the him, the man who later became the Blank decided to take it and see if he could make some money off it.

Deciding to go out and steal some more money, the Blank charges up his force field device and leaves his apartment. As he goes, he doesn’t see a strange energy form emerge from his power battery begging him to come back as he needs more power.

Meanwhile, at Avengers Compound, a meeting of the West Coast Avengers is called. Wonder Man is furious that the Blank managed to give him a slip and Hawkeye agrees that they should go out looking for this new criminal. However, Wonder Man insists that if any of the others find him to let him know because he wants to collar the Blank himself. While the Avengers go out patrolling the city, the Blank brazenly robs an armored truck. As he flees the scene, Mockinbird spots him and gives him chase in her sports car. When Hawkeye catches up on his sky-cycle he fires some flare arrows, making the crook drop his stolen loot in an effort to get away. Iron Man shows up, prompting the Blank to make a run for it. Unfortunately, he runs into a gas pump, igniting the fuel supply and causing a massive explosion. The Avengers are then forced to let the Blank get away while they scramble to put out the raging inferno.

Returning to his apartment, the Blank is in a panic and decides to flee town. However, as he begins recharging his force field device there is a flare of energy as the entity residing inside the battery finally gets free. Returning to human form, it turns out to be the villain known as Graviton who had been trapped in another dimension.[7] Learning that the Avengers are the reason the Blank is going to run out of town, Graviton offers to use his powers to deal with them as he has a score to settle with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Recurring Characters

West Coast Avengers (Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Iron Man, Wonder Man, Tigra), The Blank, Graviton

Continuity Notes

  1. Early in his career, Hawkeye was manipulated into helping the Black Widow when she was still a Russian spy. This led to a number of clashes with Iron Man before he reformed and joined up with the Avengers. See Tales of Suspense #57, 60, 64 and Avengers #16.

  2. Jim Rhodes took over the role of Iron Man after Tony Stark fell off the wagon and was too busy getting plastered than being Iron Man. See Iron Man #167-170. Jim will remain Iron Man until issue #195 of that series.

  3. Tigra reluctantly agreed to join the West Coast Avengers team last issue. However, she has doubted her place after her brief stint on the east coast branch of the team in that lasted from Avengers #211 to 216.

  4. Iron Man was among the many heroes kidnapped by the Beyonder to fight their foes to the death. See Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #1-12.

  5. The Blank’s rea; name is not given here. Amazing Spider-Man #580 reveals his first name to be Clyde. As of this writing (February 2022), his last name has remained unrevealed.

  6. Obadiah Stane engaged in a hostile take over of Stark International and ultimately succeeded after pushing Tony Stark into drinking again. See Iron Man #162-173.

  7. Graviton was banished to another dimension by Thor in Thor #324.

Topical References

  • The box of nails that Simon uses to hammer shut his shipping crate has a price tag of 6 cents. Adjusting for inflation, this would cost 19 cents in 2022 money. Doing a half assed search online, a box of nails is going to cost you a bit more than that coming in at about $6 for a 1 pound box.

  • The Blank watches TV on a CRT television. This should be considered topical as these displays are now obsolete.

  • The Blank attempts to rob a Well Fargo truck. This should be considered topical as Wells Fargo is a real world bank.