
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Captain America #266

Captain America #266

Flight From Thunderhead!

Captain America, Spider-Man, and Nick Fury have all been captured by Sultan an mad inventor who is plotting to destroy the governments of the world in order to take over the world. When a missile is launched toward Washington, DC, Nick Fury hitches a ride and desperately tries disarm the weapon. Meanwhile, Captain America and Spider-Man are forced to retreat from Sultan’s army of robots, only to discover that the villain’s mountain hide out has been launched into the air as well.

Caught in freefall, Spider-Man uses his webbing to stop them from falling to their doom. Unfortunately, Sultan and his robots emerge from the base wearing jetpacks and send them falling again. When one of the robots moves in too close, in an effort to shoot him, Captain America steals its jetpack and flies back up to save Spider-Man.

Meanwhile, Nick Fury is barely holding on to the outside of the missile pointing at Washington. Forcing his way inside through an access panel, Fury races to the disarm the weapon using the onboard computer. However, once accessing the mainframe he is shocked to discover that the missile is a decoy and the real explosive is Sultan’s own hideout, Thunderhead Island.

Back at Sultan’s hideout, Captain America manages to save Spider-Man from free fall and they re-enter the ship. There they fight their way through more of Sultan’s robots. When it looks like he might be stopped, Sultan tries to escape but Captain America manages to take his jet pack away. Not willing to be stopped, Sultan suddenly collapses to the ground — seemingly dead. Moments later, a small mechanical device emerges from his body and flies off. Believing their foe to be dead, Cap and Spider-Man make their escape. It’s a rough landing on the ground because their stolen jetpack cannot support the weight of two men.

There they are attacked by more of Sultan’s robots, led by the Sultan himself — who has transferred his mind into a robotic body. As they battle their attackers, there is a bright flash of light in the sky, leading Sultan to believe that he has succeeded in destroying Washington. Unwilling to give up despite this apparent loss, Captain America and Spider-Man fight on. With the other robots destroyed and Captain America destroys Sultan’s robotic body. When the tiny brain module tries to make another escape it is shot to pieces by Nick Fury as he arrives on the scene.

Fury tells them that Washington, DC is safe, as he was able to contact SHIELD who sent fighters to intercept and destroy Thunderhead Island, much to their relief.

Recurring Characters

Captain America, Spider-Man, Nick Fury, SULTAN

Captain America #265

Captain America #265

Captain America #267

Captain America #267