
Nick Peron

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Captain America #427

Captain America #427

Fighting Chance Book 3: Enemy Fire

Someone is going out of their way to ruin Captain America’s reputation. This impostor has been appearing all over the city and engaging in reckless battles with seemingly dead super-villains. The latest incident — involving a battle between the phony and Solarr — has become front page news.[1] Frustrated over being unable to catch the impostor, Captain America has called a meeting with Diamondback, Fabian Stankewicz and Moonhunter to figure out how to catch this impostor. They suspect that the man impersonating Cap is the Super-Patriot who recently appeared and announced he would be replacing Cap. However, they still can’t figure out how he keeps fighting villains that are supposedly dead. Part of Steve’s frustration is that by the time he receives a report of the impostor in action, he is long gone by the time he arrives. That’s when Diamondback comes up with a possible solution. Since Quicksilver has recently rejoined the Avengers,[2] she suggests Steve have the speedster go to the scene and detain the phony until he can get there. That’s when Rachel realizes that she’s running late for an appointment and takes off.

Meanwhile, Super-Patriot and Dead Ringer are staging another dangerous public battle. This time Dead Ringer is posing as the the Cheetah.[3] Their fight spills into a fast food restaurant, terrorizing the patrons. One of the employees — fearing he will get the blame for the damage done — decides to take matters into his own hands and dumps a pot of boiling water on Dead Ringer in an effort to help “Captain America”. This is of course incredibly painful prompting Dead Ringer to flee the scene. The Super-Patriot then cusses out the young man before taking off as well.

In Lower Manhattan, Diamondback pays a visit to her lawyer Bernie Rosenthal, Cap’s ex-girlfriend, to discuss the possibility that Rachel has committed murder. She tells Bernie how she tracked down her old enemy Snapdragon recently to get revenge on her for nearly taking her own life. Finding Snapdragon on the island nation of Boca Caliente, Rachel believes that she had drowned her foe, but isn’t entirely sure that she is dead.[4] Hearing how Rachel had recently been jacked up after receiving a transfusion of the Super Soldier Serum, Bernie wonders if they might have a temporary insanity case on their hands, but she’ll have to look up the laws in Boca Caliente before she can come up with an adequate defense.[5] That’s when Bernie’s ex-husband — Sammy Burnstein — bursts into the office demanding that she and Bernie get back together. Rosenthal is unhappy with the intrusion and orders Sammy to get lost before she calls security and have him removed. Sammy complies, but warns her that she is making a big mistake.[6] Bernie tries to brush this off, but Diamondback promises her that if Sammy continues to give her trouble, she’ll do something about it.

Back in Brooklyn Heights, Captain America contacts Quicksilver at Avengers Headquarters to ask if he’ll help with the dilemma. Pietro has just recovered from recent injuries and says he’ll have to think it over,[7] prompting Cap to consider other speedsters who might be able to help.[8] This is a moot point since Quicksilver arrives moments later to tell Steve that he’s in. After briefing Pietro on what’s been happening, the speedster suggests they pass the time to do some training, just like old times.[9] Steve turns down this offer without explanation, making Quicksilver wonder if Cap is going soft.[10]

Meanwhile, the Super-Patriot has returned to his apartment where Dead Ringer is using the powers of Bluestreak to heal his wounds.[11] He tells his partner that they are about to step up the next phase of their plan. Under the Patriot’s orders, Ringer takes on the form of Blackout and kidnaps Barnie and Diamondback on the street in an effort to draw out Captain America for another battle.[12] While “Blackout” is taking the prisoners to their hideout, Super-Patriot calls Captain America and tells him to meet at the address. While this is happening, Diamondback tricks Dead Ringer into letting her use the bathroom, giving her time to change into her costume and launch an ambush. Moments later, Quicksilver arrives on the scene to keep the villains busy and to give Cap time to show up. In order to match Pietro’s speed, Dead Ringer takes on the form of Bluestreak.

With the situation growing out of control, Super-Patriot enters the room and pretends that he isn’t involved but Rachel isn’t buying it. Bernie on the other hand, recognizes Super-Patriot’s voice just as he cold cocks Diamondback. Moments later, Captain America comes crashing into the building on his motorcycle. As he and Super-Patriot fight it out, a fire starts turning the building into a blazing inferno. As they struggle, Cap is struck with a bout of fatigue and muscle cramps allowing Super-Patriot to go for his side arm. Luckily, Captain America manages to pull away enough that the bullet only creases the side of his head. As the others evacuate, Cap tries to prevent Super-Patriot from escaping. Another wild shot ends up hitting a weakened support beam that collapses on top of the villain.

Cap tries to lift the heavy wood beam off Super-Patriot but is too weak to do it. He is soon pulled out of there by Quicksilver just moments before the building explodes, seemingly killing Super-Patriot along with it.[13] Although Dead Ringer has been taken prisoner, Cap blames himself for allowing Super-Patriot to perish, while Diamondback chastises herself for not being able to do more. Meanwhile, Bernie Rosenthal contemplates telling the others who Super-Patriot is, but wants to make sure that her suspicions are correct.

Recurring Characters

Captain America, Super-Patriot, Dead-Ringer, Diamondback, Bernie Rosenthal, Fabian Stankowicz, Moonhunter, Quicksilver, Sammy Burnstein

Continuity Notes

  1. At the time of this story Solarr was killed by Bres in Power Man and Iron Fist #113. He will be resurrected many years later along with many other mutants on the island nation of Krarkoa. Solarr’s resurrection was confirmed in X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #20.

  2. Quicksilver had recently rejoined the Avengers following the events of the Bloodties event. See Avengers #368-369, X-Men (vol. 2) #26, Avengers West Coast #101, and Uncanny X-Men #307.

  3. The Cheetah, aka Esteban Carracus, was killed by the Scourge of the Underworld in Captain America #319. He will be resurrected years later in Punisher (vol. 8) #5.

  4. Snapdragon almost drowned Diamondback in Captain America #388. Seeking revenge, Rachel tracked her down and returned the favor by seemingly drowning her in a fountain in issue #413. Snapdragon apparently survived and will turn up again in Moon Knight (vol. 6) #2. Her profile in Captain America: America’s Avenger #1 states that Snapdragon had faked her death.

  5. Just prior to Snapdragon’s death, Diamondback was used to test a supply of Captain America’s Super Soldier Serum infused blood in Captain America #409-410. Where did this blood come from? It was derived from when Cap needed a full blood transfusion in Captain America #377 and later stolen for the Red Skull in issue #405.

  6. Before she dated Steve Rogers (between Captain America #251 through 317) Bernie was married to Sammy. Their marriage didn’t work out and they later got divorced. They had a friendly relationship up until this issue, see Captain America #275-276 and 284. His appearance here is a red herring to trick readers into thinking he is the Super-Patriot. In reality, the Super-Patriot is actually Mike Farrel, a former neighbor of both Steve and Bernie. See Captain America #439.

  7. Quicksilver was injured during a fight with Exodus in Avengers #369.

  8. Of the people Cap considers as alternatives is “that new Whizzer who’s at Project PEGASUS”. This Whizzer isn’t so much new as he comes from an alternate reality. He is a member of the Squadron Supreme who ended up stranded on Earth-616 following the events of Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe #1 and Quasar #13.

  9. Captain America and Quicksilver were members of the second roster of Avengers formed in Avengers #16 and spent a lot of those early days training together.

  10. The reason Captain America turns down this training is because his Super-Soldier Serum is wearing out putting him at risk of complete disability, a fact that he has been mostly keeping secret since Captain America #425. He will eventually be cured of this affliction in issue #445.

  11. Bluestreak, aka Don Thomas, was another victim of Scourge of the Underworld in Captain America #318. He will also be resurrected in Punisher (vol. 8) #5.

  12. Blackout, aka Marcus Daniels, was rendered braindead by Baron Zemo in Avengers #277. His mindless body was used as a tool by Zemo later (See Thunderbolts #100 and New Thunderbolts #18 for deets) but he’ll be fully functional and alive again when we see him in Dark Reign: The Hood #1. The profile for Dead Ringer in Captain America: America’s Avenger #1 states that his powers don’t necessarily need a dead body, just dead organic matter, like a severed body part or cast off skin. You know, the gross stuff.

  13. Super-Patriot doesn’t die here, he’ll turn up alive again in Captain America #439.

Topical References

  • Rachel compares Sammy’s outburst in Bernie’s office to the 1987 film Fatal Attraction. The film was the story of lawyer Dan Gallagher (Michael Douglas) who is stalked by an obsessed former lover named Alex Forrest (Glenn Close).

Captain America #426

Captain America #426

Captain America #428

Captain America #428