
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Combat Kelly #31

Combat Kelly #31

Combat Kelly

YACReader - Combat Kelly V1 #31 (1955).cbz 2019-08-31 15.18.37.png

Sent on a covert mission behind enemy lines, Combat Kelly and Cookie Novak are instructed to locate enemy artillery cannons and report back to Major Thorn. However they are discovered and the pair are forced to fight off the Chinese soldiers and destroy their artillery before returning to base. When they report to Major Thorn, he wonders why the pair always end up with fantastic stories when sent on missions. Before Combat and Cookie can answer Chinese forces attack their Bivouac area and Major Thorn is captured by the enemy.

Combat and Cookie find a trail left by the Major in the form of discarded papers that he was carrying when he was captured. The pair find the Major and other soldiers in a prisoner of war camp and fight through the guards to free their comrades. On their way back to base they spot two Chinese trains rushing to the battle front: One containing artillery cannons and the other troops. Knowing their forces are unprepared for such an attack, Combat, Cookie and the others jump aboard the train carrying the artillery cannons and use them to destroy the train full of enemy troops and then crash the artillery train.

In the aftermath, Combat and Cookie bring up the Major's disbelief of their previous missions, but Thorn stops them and says he will never doubt their stories again.

Recurring Characters

  • Combat Kelly

  • Cookie Novak

  • Major Thorn

The Wolves!

In March of 1945, Combat Kelly and Cookie Novak are among American soldiers clashing with Nazi forces along the Rhine River. As Nazi forces retreat back, the Americans find that the Nazis are torching their own gear as they flee. Spotting an army of Tiger tanks heading to clash with American forces, Combat and the others push the flaming trucks of Nazi artillery on the tanks, destroying them in a massive explosion. Combat and Cookie are briefly captured by a Nazi soldier during this attack, but he is caught in the explosion and killed.

Reporting back to Captain Thorn, they are told about a group of Nazis known as the Wolves who are retreating back to Germany in an effort to rally the German people into regrouping and fighting back against the Allied Forces. The trio are then air dropped over Hamberg to meet with their insider behind enemy lines. Although they are caught in enemy fire, Combat, Cookie and Thorn all manage to land safely.

They meet up with Agent K, a female German who is working with the Allied Forces and has been spying on the Wolves from within. She takes them to their secret hideout where Agent K -- also known as Anna -- seemingly betrays the Americans to her commander. They are placed in a massive water tank that is slowly flooding. However Agent K rescues them, telling the trio that she had to pretend to betray them in order to save their lives.

When Anna is caught by the leader of the Wolves, she sacrifices her life by rushing him with a stick of dynamite which goes off and buries the rest of the Wolves in the mine shaft that acted as their secret base.

Recurring Characters

  • Combat Kelly

  • Cookie Novak

  • Captain Thorn

Combat Kelly #30

Combat Kelly #30

Combat Kelly #32

Combat Kelly #32