
Nick Peron

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Incredible Hulks #615

Incredible Hulks #615

First Contact

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As Rogers and Hulk are resolving a solution to end Hiro-Kala's madness, Rogers suggests that as Hiro-Kala's father, Hulk could end his rampage with reasoning and peace. But Rogers also tells Hulk to remember to be aggressive if necessary. Hulk then turns his attention to the rest of The Incredible Hulks and asks them what they are. Skaar replies that they're Hulks.

Hulk then states that Hiro-Kala is a Hulk too. The humans couldn't reach out to him. They wouldn't even try. But The Hulks would. Because they know what it's like to be Hulks and to be called monsters.

Afterward, Red She-Hulk, Korg, and Skaar go to the Shadowforge section of the Stone Ship to start making weapons for their attack on K'ai and Hiro-Kala. The Shadowforge is where the Warbound made weapons for Hulk's war on Earth.

Apparently, Hulk made a deal with Banner and is on the verge of breaking that deal entirely, by not releasing Banner at a certain cue. When he finally does, Banner then gives The Hulks earpieces that will let them communicate with each other at a certain limit from each other.

During this time, the ship has been preparing for warp speed to K'ai. While Hulk's crew are on different missions, Banner eventually meets Hiro-Kala, and so does Hulk.

Recurring Characters

Hulk, Korg, Skaar, Red She-Hulk, She-Hulk, A-Bomb, Steve Rogers, Beast, Hiro-Kala

Red She-Hulk: 'Til Death Do Us Part

Bruce Banner observes his former wife, the Red She-Hulk as she comes crashing down into a warehouse where the Punisher is in the middle of a gunfight with the Heartless Crew gang. When the gang opens fire upon her, their energy weapons projectiles bounce right off her. The Red She-Hulk then lashes into the technologically advanced crooks. Realizing they are no match for this powerful woman they flee.

This angers the Punisher as he was hoping to kill the entire gang so they could harm nobody left. Red She-Hulk doesn't care and explains that she got involved because she heard gunfire and wanted to have some fun. She then begins picking up vehicles and tossing them at the Heartless Crew. As she is busy tossing the vehicles at them, the Punisher is aiming for an exposed gas line. That's when Banner steps in and tells him not to get involved, that the Red She-Hulk is his problem. The Punisher refuses to listen and fires at the gas, setting off a massive explosion, killing the gang.

The Punisher warns Banner to keep an eye on his ex-wife because if she interferes with one of his operations again he will eliminate her. As he says this, the Red She-Hulk leaps out of the flames to find trouble somewhere else.

Recurring Characters

Red She-Hulk, Bruce Banner, Punisher

Continuity Notes

  • Bruce Banner recalls the first day he met Betty Ross. This was first depicted in a flashback in Incredible Hulk #312.

Incredible Hulks #614

Incredible Hulks #614

Incredible Hulks #616

Incredible Hulks #616