
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Journey into Mystery #508

Journey into Mystery #508

Deadly Reunion!

Ericka Velez has gone to Pietro Vizzari’s antique shop with Freda Barker, her nephew Howie, and the Enchantress. They find the place in shambles, confirming Freda’s fears that Pietro and Wad have been kidnapped by Wad. Ericka promises that they’ll do whatever they can to rescue them once the others get back from recruiting another name on Wad’s list of Lost Gods.[1]

At that same moment, Barry Landers, Freddie Moyer, and Donald Velez have at Adelphi University to meet with Tyrone Hammer, the coach for the New York Smashers. They tells Hammer that they have come to talk about an important matter. However, Tyrone refuses to listen to what they have to say until after his team has finished practice.

Meanwhile, Wad and Pietro are prisoners in Seth’s domain. The Egyptian death god decides to savor his upcoming victory by pouring a glass of wine and proposing a toast to the end of all live in the universe. Still not believing that he was once a god of Asgard, Pietro insists that he is a victim of mistaken identity and pleads with Seth to let him go. This pleases Seth who loves seeing his prisoners grovel.

By this time, the Smashers practice is over and Barry and his allies all take turns explaining who they are and why they have come. They detail how they may be the Lost Gods of Asgard and how Red Norvell died trying to bring them together, as well as the threat posed by Seth himself. Hearing all of this, Tyrone admits it is a wild story that he wouldn’t normally believe if it weren’t for the fact that he, like the others, was also attacked by Seth’s men in black. He dealt with them single handedly and agrees to join their fight.[2]

Meanwhile, in Aagard, the Ice Giants known as Mroht and Pyllar are explaining to their leader, Snagg how they allowed the Enchantress to escape from the dungeon. Snagg is furious by this news and orders his two blundering minions to go to Earth and bring her back.[3]

While back in Manhattan, Tyrone Hammer is brought back to Ericka’s apartment where he meets the others. There, he is told to pick out an Asgardian artifact out of a trunk to see which one will unlock some of his godly powers. Tso Zhung decides to save everyone the trouble and offers Hammer the war mace he is using. This is because he has had his fill with the others and has decided to quit. However, Ericka plays into his sense of greed, reminding him that the technology and magic of the Asgardians and Seth will make him a wealthy man after this is all over. When Amora decides to cut out herself, Ulik reminds her that he has the power to convince her to stay and use her power to help them access Seth’s realm.

Before they go, Ericka decides that Freddie and Howie need to stay behind because Moyer is still recovering from his injuries and Barker is way too young. After loading up with more guns, Amora casts her teleportation spell. However, before they completely vanish, Howie leaps into the cloud of smoke in order to go with them, leaving behind Freddie and Freda. Barker’s unexpected addition to the teleportation spell makes for a rough ride and when they arrive in Seth’s domain, Ericka scolds him for putting them all at risk. However, the conversation is cut short when they are suddenly ambushed by an army of Seth’s loyal soldiers. Things are going pretty easy until Red Norvell appears. Their former friend has been resurrected from the dead by Seth and is now loyal to the death god. With the power of a thunder god against them, the Lost Gods are forced to take cover. Ericka orders the Enchantress to get them out of there, however Amora’s power needs time to recharge so soon after teleporting them to this dimension.

Salvation soon comes from an unexpected corner when the Ice Giant’s mage teleports Mroht and Pyllar to the Enchantress’ location. While Seth’s legions are busy dealing with the two giants, the Lost Gods are able to retreat and regroup. Once they are out of harms way, Tyrone notices that one of their number is missing. That’s when Ericka realizes that they have somehow lost Howie!

Recurring Characters

Ericka Velez, Freda Barker, Howie Barker, Tso Zhung, Tyrone Hammer, Donald Velez, Barry Landers, Freddie Moyer, Wad, Pietro Vizarri, the Enchantress, Ulik, Seth, Red Norvell, Mroht, Pyllar, Snagg

Continuity Notes

  1. Lots going on off the top, here’s what you need to know:

    • When the WorldEngine faked Ragnarok, it caused Yggdrasil to banish the Asgardians to Earth in mortal forms with no memories of their past, as per Thor #491-494 and Journey into Mystery #511. Odin has been trying to track down and revive his people since issue #503.

    • In issue #506 it was revealed that the construction of the WorldEngine, originally built by a madman named Price, was actually facilitated by Seth the Egyptian death god who wishes to extinguish all live in the universe.

    • Last issue, Seth managed to capture Wad and Pietro Vizarri.

    • Might as well explain who’s who while I have you here: Ericka, Freda, Howie, Tso, Tyron, Donald, Barry, Freddie, Wad, and Pietro are actually Sif, Frigga, Hermod, Loki, Hogun, Heimdall, Balder, Fandral, Odin, and the Grand Vizier respectively. Odin’s true identity has been known since Thor #497, Tso’s identity will be revealed in Journey into Mystery #509, the Grand Viziers in issue #511, and everyone else’s will be revealed in issue #512.

  2. Some more exposition going on here. The details:

    • Red Norvell tried to gather the Lost Gods between issues #503-504, but was murdered by the men in black. He will be resurrected by Seth later this issue.

    • Mention is made how Thor died in the final battle against Onslaught. The Avengers and Fantastic Four were believed to have perished in Onslaught: Marvel Universe #1. In reality, they were transported to a pocket dimension by Franklin Richards where they are currently living reimagined lives. They will ultimately be found and returned to their proper reality in Heroes Reborn: The Return #1-4.

    • Here, Ericka, Barry, and Tso are envisioned as Sif, Balder, and Hogun. As you can tell from reading the first footnote, this is not accurate. This was a red herring to throw readers off as to the Zhung’s true identity.

  3. The Enchantress was a prisoner of the Ice Giants from Thor #501 until she managed to break out of their prison in Journey into Mystery #505.

Journey into Mystery #507

Journey into Mystery #507

Journey into Mystery #509

Journey into Mystery #509