
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Marines in Action #1

Marines in Action #1

Red Raid!

YACReader - Marines In Action #1 (1955).cbz 2019-09-27 00.41.08.png

Rock Murdock and Scuttlebutt Stacy are battling communist soldiers in Korea who have a strange assortment of weapons: sickles fashioned after the communist flag. They easily fight off the attackers and take one of the enemy soldiers prisoner to take back to base for questioning. However when there, the communist soldier refuses to talk. The interrogation is interrupted by the arrival of a local farmer who asks for American soldiers to defend his peoples rice fields. Recalling how the communists where undergoing a food shortage, the captain realizes that the sickles are being used to steal the rice for enemy troops.

Rock, Scuttlebutt and the other soldiers at the base are then stationed to defend the rice fields from the enemy while it is being harvested by the villagers. Seeing this, the commanding officer of the communist soldiers orders his men to build catapults which they use to launch fire balls at the farthest fields to distract the soldiers. Sure enough while the Americans are busy putting out the fires the communists strike the unguarded fields.

Realizing this too late, Rock notices that the communists are driving their rice loaded trucks into a nearby tunnel. He and Scuttlebutt then rush ahead and hide in the tunnel where they hijack the lead truck in the convoy and force it to turn around and return to the village where the enemy troops are forced to surrender. In thanks for helping save their rice crops the Korean farmers then make Rock and Scuttlebutt more rice than they can eat.

Recurring Characters

  • Rock Murdock

  • Scuttlebutt Stacy

Marines in Action Primer

Marines in Action Primer

Marines in Action #2

Marines in Action #2