
Nick Peron

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Marvel Team-Up #39

Marvel Team-Up #39

Any Number Can Slay!

While out on patrol Spider-Man meets a young Spanish boy named Mosquito, who gets caught in the middle of an attempt to assassinate Spider-Man, the assassin gets away and the only fatality is one of Mosquito's pigeons. Meanwhile, the Human Torch is out in the Fantasticar when he is attacked by Montana and Fancy Dan, who easily defeat the Torch and take him captive.

Later, Spider-Man happens upon a gang of criminals who are hoisting a coffin into a warehouse. Sneaking into the building, he is shocked to see the someone posing as the Big Man, allowing criminals to bet on the life of the Human Torch. Taking out one of the criminals and disguising himself in the crooks clothes, Spider-Man manages to get close enough to the coffin to break the glass and free the Torch.

The two make short work of the criminals and the Enforcers, just when they are about to take out the Big Man, they are suddenly interrupted when the Crime-Master, apparently alive and well, and the Sandman, who has come to take control of the criminal underworld.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Man, Human Torch, Enforcers (Big Man, Fancy Dan, Montana), Sandman, Manuel Arguelles

Continuity Notes

  • The Human Torch thought that Spider-Man finished off the Enforcers. He is referring to the events of Amazing Spider-Man #19.

  • Upon seeing the Big Man, Spider-Man recalls how he had died. The real Big Man, Frederick Foswell, died protecting J. Jonah Jameson from the Kingpin's men, as seen in Amazing Spider-Man #52. Spider-Man says Foswell died "years ago", however per the Sliding Timescale of Earth-616, Foswell's death would have happened roughly 2 years prior. As such, this time measurement should be considered a topical reference as it measures the time between publications.

  • Likewise, Spider-Man points out that the Crime-Master also died "years ago". The original Crime-Master was fatally shot by the police in Amazing Spider-Man #27. Per the Timescale, that even would have happened about three years ago. The true identity of these successors is revealed next issue.

  • The Sandman states that he is wearing his old outfit out of nostalgia. Since Fantastic Four #61 the Sandman has been wearing a technological costume constructed from items stolen from the Fantastic Four.

Marvel Team-Up #38

Marvel Team-Up #38

Marvel Team-Up #40

Marvel Team-Up #40