
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Solo Avengers #3

Solo Avengers #3

An American Archer in Paris


Hawkeye has traveled to Paris to confront Trickshot, his former teacher, in a battle to the death. Arriving at the Cathedral of Notre Dame, he is instead ambushed by Batroc the Leaper and his allies Zaran the Weapon Master, and Machete. As he fights for his life, the Avenger thinks back to how he got into this situation…


… Hawkeye had just finished telling his wife, Mockingbird, about his secret past with Trickshot and the challenge issued by his mentor. When Bobbi insists on coming along, Clint tries to convince her to stay behind. She is insulted by this and the two spar. Although he doesn’t like having to do it, Clint uses some of his knock-out gas arrows to incapacitate his wife so she cannot stop him from going to Paris alone.

Arriving in France, Clint was unaware that he was being observed and followed from the moment he walked out of customs. After checking into his hotel room and changing into his Hawkeye costume, Clint went to the Cathedral of Notre Dame to face Trickshot. Instead of his old mentor, Clint was then ambushed by Batroc’s Brigade….


… Although Clint wonders where Trickshot is, he has to focus on Batroc and his crew. As the fight continues, Clint is able to knock out Machete with another gas arrow. Facing off against Zaran, the archer is able to defend himself with his bow before knocking the wind out of his opponent. When he then turns to Batroc, Zaran recovers and begins throwing his sai’s at the Avenger. To whittle down his opponents further, Clint then uses an adhesive arrow to pin Zaran to a nearby chimney. As the fight between Hawkeye and Batroc continues, the two men who have been following from the airport continue to observe from a nearby rooftop. When they decide to get int the middle of the fight, their employer tells them to stand down and let the fight run its course.

Meanwhile, Hawkeye and Batroc go falling through a skylight and land in the middle of a fancy restaurant. Not wanting innocent people to get injured in the fracas, Clint then lures Batroc into the alley out back. Although the boastful Batroc brags about his skill in savate, Clint proves he is the better fighter with a good old fashioned American right hook. After Batroc goes down, Hawkeye is then confronted by Silver Sable and her men who tell him he is under arrest for the murder of Trickshot.

Recurring Characters

Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Silver Sable, Batroc’s Brigade (Batroc the Leaper, Zaran, Machete)

Topical References

  • In this story, Clint is depicted going through customs and not being randomly selected for security screening. Back in the pre-9/11 a lot of airports only did random searches of foreign passengers to look for contraband and other illegal items. This is not the case anymore if you’ve ever flown anywhere in the last 20 odd years. As such, this random search scene should be considered topical. One could assume that Clint got through customs by showing his Avengers ID, which would have allowed him to clear through customs with his bow and arrows.

Tower of Shadows

Moon Knight has recently joined the West Coast Avengers and on one of their missions they clashed with the Zodiac — Life Model Decoys patterned off each sign of the zodiac. This involved working Cornelius Van Lundt, aka Taurus, whose own zodiac themed crime cartel was murdered by these androids. Although he swore on the moon to work with the Avengers and surrender to the authorities, Van Lundt managed to escape. Seeing this as an affront to his master, Khonshu the Egyptian moon god, Moon Knight is now hunting down Van Lundt on his own.[1]

Not having many contacts in Los Angeles, Moon Knight decided to get in touch with Jack Russell - the Werewolf by Night - to ask for help tracking Van Lundt down.[2] Jack suggested that Moon Knight seek out the Shroud and provided hthe location of his hideout, the so-called Tower of Shadows.

Inside, Moon Knight finds himself fending off various traps and weapons that have been rigged up to deal with intruders. Getting fed up, the Knight demands that the Shroud show himself. The gang leader complies and proves to be quite the match for Moon Knight thanks to his ability to command the darkness. The pair are equally matched and the sound of battle draws out the Shroud’s crew, the Nigh Shift. Moon Knight is surprised to see the Werewolf among thei number. Luckily, before an all out brawl can break out, the Shroud tells them that there is no danger and sends them away.

Once they are alone again, the Shroud explains that he is only posing as a criminal to take down the underworld from within and that not many, not even the Night Shift, know the truth. However, his cover is in jeopardy and the Shroud offers Moon Knight to take his place as leader of the Night Shift. Moon Knight declines, saying that he has just recent joined the West Coast Avengers, a team that the Shroud was also once offered membership in.[3] When asked about Van Lundt, the Shroud agrees to use his underworld contacts to try and learn his location and tells Moon Knight to come back in 24 hours.[4] As he departs, Moon Knight admits that despite the fact that he is secretly a force for good, he can’t bring himself to fully trust the Shroud because he is a more of a creature of the night than he is.

Recurring Characters

Moon Knight, Night Shift (Shroud, Brothers Grimm, Dance Macabre, Digger, Gypsy Moth, Needle, Tatterdemalion, Ticktock, Werewolf by Night)

Continuity Notes

  1. Moon Knight had joined the WCA in West Coast Avengers (vol. 2) #21. Their clash with the Zodiac and uneasy alliance with Cornelius Van Lundt happened in issues #26-28 of that series.

  2. Moon Knight got his start clashing with the Werewolf but they later became allies. See Werewolf by Night #32-33 and 37.

  3. The Shroud was offered membership in the WCA in West Coast Avengers #1.

  4. The Shroud makes good on his promise, as we’ll see in West Coast Avengers (vol. 2) #29.

Solo Avengers #2

Solo Avengers #2

Solo Avengers #4

Solo Avengers #4