
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Spectacular Spider-Man #28

Spectacular Spider-Man #28

Ashes to Ashes!

As Spider-Man tries to stop the Masked Marauder's Tri-Man robot, Daredevil faces off alone against the Marauder and his goons. Spider-Man manages to disarm the Tri-Man's self-destruct mechanism and deactivate it based on blind-luck alone (pardon the pun). Meanwhile, Daredevil has an edge over the Marauder who relies on his eye-damaging helmet ray having no effect on him to defeat the Marauder. After the battle is over, Daredevil finds Spider-Man and tells him the battle is won, at that time Spider-Man is happy to find his vision is slowly coming back.

Returning to his apartment, Spider-Man finds that the police and a number of his friends are at the scene. Changing back to Peter Parker in an alley, Peter checks out the scene and finds that his apartment has been trashed and vandalized. Peter, wonders if the vandal knows of Peter's secret identity. Hector Ayala offers Peter a place to stay while his place is examined by the police.

That night at ESU, Peter detects danger and finds Carrion who has just finished attacking Hector and leaving another one of his accusative messages for some wrong he blames Parker for. Peter tries to stop Carrion, but the creature overpowers him and takes advantage of Peter's presently light-sensitive eyes to get a hold of Peter's throat. Carrion is about to get revenge on Peter when Holly Gillis walks in on them and begs Carrion to stop.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Man, Daredevil, Maggia (Masked Marauder), Hector Ayala, Holly Gillis, Mary Jane Watson, Betty Brant, Flash Thompson, Mamie Muggins, Jimmy D’Angelo

Continuity Notes

  • The depiction of Ed Koch as Mayor of New York should be considered a topical reference per the Sliding Timescale of Earth-616.

  • Mary Jane mentions breaking up with Peter Parker, this happened after she rejected his marriage proposal in Amazing Spider-Man #183.

  • Peter wonders if Harry Osborn could have become the Green Goblin again and remembers Peter's double identity. Harry slowly became the Green Goblin between Amazing Spider-Man #122-137, following the apparent death of his father the original Green Goblin. At the time of this story, Harry briefly became the Green Goblin again to defeat Bart Hamilton, his psychologist who usurped the Goblin identity between Amazing Spider-Man #174-180.

Spectacular Spider-Man #27

Spectacular Spider-Man #27

Spectacular Spider-Man #29

Spectacular Spider-Man #29