
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Spider-Men #3

Spider-Men #3

Spider-Man has found himself trapped in another dimension where a young man named Miles Morales is Spider-Man. He was just about to learn what happened to his counterpart on this world when they are ambushed by a robotic avatar of Mysterio that is being controlled by Spider-Man’s home dimension.

Both Spider-Men find themselves fighting illusions of Spider-Man foes from both realities. Peter Parker thinks these are just illusions but he and Miles quickly discover they can actually be hurt by them.[1] The illusions keep coming and keep getting more and more intense. However, Peter ultimately figures out that Mysterio is using a chemical to cause them to hallucinate and that this chemical is coming from the pendant that he wears around his neck. Spider-Man quickly snatches it away with a web-line and tosses it into the water, ending the illusions. With his plans foiled, Mysterio decides if he can’t kill Spider-Man, he can stand him in another dimension. He then severs his connections to the avatar and sets it to self-destruct.

When Miles wakes up after the blast he finds Thor, Iron Man, and Hawkeye of the Ultimates standing over him. The entire area has been roped off by SHIELD. Iron Man has been tasked with examining Mysterio’s avatar to figure out where he was broadcasting from. That’s when Miles realizes that Peter Parker isn’t there. Fury confirms that he ran off in the aftermath of their battle with Mysterio.

Peter Parker is still convinced that this is some sort of illusion created by Mysterio and decides to get to the bottom of things. However, when he arrives where his apartment should be but finds a bodega there instead. He goes inside and begins asking the clerk questions when suddenly a robber comes barging in. Spider-Man quickly takes the crook down and the woman gladly lets him use her tablet to look up what happened to the Spider-man of this world. He is horrified to learn that this world’s Peter Parker is dead.[2] That’s when he sees that the woman is wearing a Spider-Man necklace and asks why. She tells him that she wears it out of respect for Peter Parker, after his sacrifice. He then asks the woman to give him more details on Peter Parker’s death.

In the morning, May Parker and Gwen Stacy are leaving their home to start their day. That’s when they see someone in a Spider-Man costume standing on their lawn. They are instantly offended and May threatens to call the police. That’s when Peter Parker pulls off his mask, to show them who he really is.

Recurring Characters

Spider-Man (Parker), Spider-Man (Morales), Mysterio, SHIELD (Nick Fury), Ultimates (Thor, Iron Man, Hawkeye), May Parker, Gwen Stacy

Continuity Notes

  1. Miles is surprised to see an illusion of his version of the Prowler, who was his uncle Aaron. This is because at the time of this story Aaron Morales had died in Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man (vol. 2) #13.

  2. The Peter Parker of Earth-1610 died fighting the Green Goblin in Ultimate Spider-Man #160.

Spider-Men #2

Spider-Men #2

Spider-Men #4

Spider-Men #4