
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Strange Tales #113

Strange Tales #113

The Coming of the Plantman!

Late again for one of his dates with Doris Evans, Johnny arrives to be witness to Dorry's father firing his gardener for wasting his time on a device that stimulates plant growth. Vengeful, and after his device is struck by lightning giving it the ability to make him control plants totally, the gardener becomes the criminal known as Plantman.

As Plantman, Smithers tries to frame Dorry's father with robbing the store in which he works and planting evidence pointing blame to Mr. Evans. Johnny vows to clear Mr. Evans' name and ends up battling with the Plantman.

The two are at a match until the Torch begins to gain the lead. The Plantman then escapes by hiding in a tree, planning to strike again with a more devious plan. Afterwards, Doris thanks Johnny for clearing her father's name.

Recurring Characters

Human Torch, Doris Evans, Plantman

Continuity Notes

  • This is the first appearance of Johnny's first girlfriend Doris Evans. The pair date from Strange Tales #113-133. Doris later broke up with Johnny in Fantastic Four #45 after she got tired of his superhero lifestyle.

  • The Plantman's origins are expanded upon in Namor the Sub-Mariner #24, which explains that Smither's plant growing device was empowered by the extra-dimensional plant creatures known as the H'ylthri.

  • The depiction of Robert F. Wagner, Jr. as the mayor of New York City should be considered a topical reference per the Sliding Timescale of Earth-616.

Strange Tales Annual #2

Strange Tales Annual #2

Strange Tales #114

Strange Tales #114