
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Thor #163

Thor #163

Where Dwell the Demons!

Hearing that Sif had gone to Earth to deal with some danger, Thor has returned to his adopted home to help. He arrives to see that the military has the entire city shut down. This is because a nearby nuclear research center has been trapped in a strange energy vortex. Reaching the site, Thor learns from the commanding officer that Sif was swallowed up by the strange vortex when she arrived moments earlier. Thor decides to brave the strange energies in order to save her.

Meanwhile, back in Asgard, Odin and meets with the Keeper of Antiquities in order to continue his investigation into the origins of Galactus.

Back on Earth, as Thor approaches the strange vortex, inhuman hands reach out and pull him through. On the other side, Thor finds himself attacked by deformed creatures calling themselves Mutates. Despite their superior numbers and advanced weapons, the Mutates are easily scattered by Thor. However, their leader has Sif prisoner and he challenges Thor to a one-on-one battle. This is another easy victory for Thor, who forces the Mutate’s leader to flee. However, as he goes, the Mutate warns him that their master is more powerful than they imagine.

After freeing Sif, the two Asgardians look around this strange world. They find the ruins of an advanced society. Inside a museum, they discover that this is not some other dimension or alien world, but some apocalyptic future where mankind was wiped out in atomic war.[1] Continuing their search, they locate the atomic research facility and spot someone standing outside. Once they get close enough, the humanoid doffs his mortal clothing revealing that he is the Olympian god of death, Pluto. Immobilizing Thor and Sif with a spell, he details his plan to use the Mutates of this era to conquer the present day. However, he knew that Thor would be the only one who could stand in his way and captured the atomic research facility to lure the thunder god into a trap.

When Thor and Sif break free, they try to attack Pluto only to be blasted into unconsciousness by the Mutates advanced weapons. Pluto gloats that it will be too late for anyone to stop them, least of all the powerful building they discovered. Inside the atomic research building, a special container suddenly opens up revealing a strange cocoon inside.[2]

Recurring Characters

Thor, Pluto, Sif, Odin, Him (unidentified)

Continuity Notes

  1. This post-apocalyptic future is actually an alternate reality. Per Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #2, it has been designated Reality-6943.

  2. This entity is revealed to be Him, aka Adam Warlock, in Thor #165.

Topical References

  • Any reference to the Modern Age taking place in the 20th Century should be considered topical. The Sliding Timescale has pushed the Modern Age forward enough that it does not begin until the 21st Century.

Thor #162

Thor #162

Thor #164

Thor #164