
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Thor #241

Thor #241

The Death-Ship Sails the Stars!

The Heliopian gods of Egypt have brainwashed Odin into thinking he is Atum-Re, the father of the gods, in the hopes he can release them from the tyranny of Seth, the Egyptian god of death. Confronting his father at the base of a pyramid that has appeared in the middle of California, Thor tries to get Odin to remember who he is. Racing from the military sideline, Jane Foster also pleads with Odin not to fight his son. Unfortunately, nothing they say can make the All-Father remember his past identity. When Thor steps forward he is blasted by mystical energies that bring him to his feet.

As they mean no ill will to the Asgardians, Osiris offers Thor an alternate solution: If the thunder god will help them defeat Seth they will free Odin from their control. Thor agrees and both he and Jane — who refuses to stay behind — enter the pyramid with the Heleopians. This transported them to the golden realm of Heleopolis. There, Osiris shows Thor the damage already done by Seth. Geb, the god of the Earth, lays dead in the swirling sands below the golden road. In the sky is Nut, whose life force is being drained by the very stars she once controlled.

Soon, an army of the skeletal dead come to wage war against the Heleopians. Although Osiris orders “Atum-Re” to attack them, his ability to blast the undead skeletons out of the sky because of his entranced state. Thor summons a storm with Mjolnir and leaps into battle with Horus on his side. They are also joined by Osiris and Isis. Meanwhile, Jane seeks protection from Odin, who stands stock still in the midst of the battle. However, he prayers and tears reach to some part of his true identity and the All-Father begins using his power to defend her.

That’s when the sailing ship carrying Seth arrives at the scene of the battle. Seeking to destroy his enemies, Seth fires a blast of energy from his sword that causes Osiris and Isis to begin rapidly aging. Thor then leaps up onto the ship and begins attacking Seth directly. Unfortunately, the thunder god must remain on the defensive to avoid Seth’s deadly touch. Watching the battle from the sidelines, Jane pleads with Odin to save his son before it is too late. Vaguely remembering who he is, Odin fires a blast of mystical energy that not only punches a hole through Seth’s ship, but also severs the death god’s hand.

When his ship crashes to the golden road below, Seth’s once boastful demeaner changes to a fear for his own mortality. However, his pleas for mercy are ignored as Thor shoves him over the edge and into a yawning chasm that opens in the ground. With Seth vanquished, the armies of the dead crumble to nothing and Osiris and Isis are restored to normal. Thankful for Thor’s assistance the Heleopians free Odin from their control. Finally allowed to remember who he really is, the All-Father Odin is pleased with how his son conducted himself this day.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Jane Foster, Odin, Horus, Isis, Osiris, Geb, Nut, Seth

Thor #240

Thor #240

Thor #242

Thor #242