
Nick Peron

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Thor #487

Thor #487

Hel on Earth!

Kurse has been tricked into rampaging through Earth to try and find his eternal enemy, Malekith the Dark Elf.[1] This is all part of Malekith’s plans and he has used his magical powers to make Thor look just like him, leading to a clash between the two. In order to bring “Malekith” back to Hel, Kurse has also summoned various Thor foes who have died over the years including the Jormungand the Midgard Serpent, Ymir the Frost Giant, Fafnir the Giant, Fafnir the Dragon, Forsung the Enchanter, and three Frost Dwarves.[2]

Thor once again tries to convince Kurse that he is not Malekith and that the warrior is being enchanted. This doesn’t work as Kurse is being goaded onward by the Enchantress’ sister, Lorelei.[3] Thor has no choice but to fight Kurse and the undead warriors he has brought with him to New York. As the thunder god and Sif try to contain the situation they are unaware that Odin is watching them through his magic screen in Asgard. Odin desperately wants to help his son, but forces himself to do nothing as Thor previously turned his back on Asgard.[4] In the ensuing battle, Nidhogg is the first to fall when Thor incinerates the dragon with a powerful bolt of lightning.[5]

Meanwhile, on the ground, Sif is being double teamed by the two Fafnirs until the High Evolutionary and the Godpack arrive to lend their friends a hand. When Thor also tries to join the fray, Jormungand manages to snatch him up in its massive maw and swallow him whole. Inside the serpent’s belly, Thor begins trying to pound his way out with Mjolnir. Unfortunately, the creature’s innards are very pliant and soon the thunder god begins getting affected by the toxic gasses. If he does not manage to get free soon, he will die.[6]

On the ground, Kurse orders his warriors to focus their attacks on the Godpack. The High Evolutionary’s creations put aside their fears of death and lunge into battle with bravery.[7] However, the arrival of the Godpack, the enemies that Kurse has brought with him to Earth still prove to be too powerful for them to handle on their own.

By this time, Odin has decided that he has seen enough and leaves the room, leaving the viewing screen open to the battle in New York. Lurking in the nearby shadows are Balder, Beta Ray Bill, the Warriors Three, and the Grand Vizier. Seeing the trouble on Midgard, the warriors cannot just sit idly by and do nothing and decide to break Odin’s edicts about staying away from Earth and help their comrades Thor and Sif.

Back in New York the strain of battle is starting to take its toll on the Godpack, and members begin getting defeated out of exhaustion. While inside the Midgard Serpent, Thor continues to struggle to get free to no avail. Just when things are looking their most bleak, Balder, Beta Ray Bill, and the Warriors Three arrive to lend and hand and join the battle.

As this is happening, the Grand Vizier is caught watching the battle by Odin. However, the All-Father is not angry at the others for disobeying his orders. This makes the Grand Vizier realize that Odin purposely left the screen open for the others to see it, knowing they would go to Earth to help Thor. Odin admits that he did so less as the ruler of Asgard and more as a father. He just hopes that he didn’t send a group of gods only to die along side another.

Recurring Characters

Thor, “Lorelei”, Sif, Odin, High Evolutionary, Godpack (Anak, Bellam, Blitzaina, Loga, Riger, Zefra), Kurse, Jormungand, Nidhogg, Forsung, Fafnir the Giant, Fafnir the Dragon, Beta Ray Bill, Balder, Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg), Grand Vizier

Continuity Notes

  1. Malekeith has been plotting to escape from Hel since Thor #485. He succeeded by tricking Kurse into breaking him out last issue. That was the same story where Malekith used his magic to make Thor resemble the Dark Elf.

  2. All of these Thor foes were dead prior to their appearances in this story. They include:

    • Jormungand the Midguard Serpent had its head smashed to bits by Thor in Thor #379-380.

    • Nidhogg the Dragon was last seen in Thor #340 he was already dead and living in Hel. Later stories don’t help clear up exactly how Nidhogg died and ended up in Hell. Avengers: Endless Winter #1 tells a tale where Nidhogg is captured by Nazis during World War II and merged with technology to do evil Nazi things. It isn’t found again until the modern age where it is killed the Hulk. The incident with the Hulk happens years after this story. I discuss this problem at greater length in my summary for Thor #340.

    • Forsung was killed during the Enchanter’s reign of terror in Thor #143-145.

    • Fafnir the Giant was killed thousands of years ago by Thor, as depicted in Thor #298.

    • Fafnir the Dragon was slain in battle with Thor in the present day circa Thor #343.

    • Ymir the Ice Giant died when he attempted to bring about Ragnarok. Thor banished him and Surtur to the Sea of Endless Night a domain within Hel, as seen in Thor #425.

  3. We’ll learn next issue that this isn’t actually Lorelei, but Malekith in disguise.

  4. Thor decided to leave Asgard and find a home for himself on Earth back in Thor #472, creating a rift between himself and Odin ever since.

  5. Wonky continuity aside, after Nidhogg’s destruction here, the creature is one of the many Asgardian creatures used by Morgan le Fay to use against the Avengers in Avenges (vol. 3) #1.

  6. The narration here states that according to the Ragnarok prophesies, these poison vapors are destined to kill Thor during the twilight of the gods. Technically speaking, Thor is supposed to be bitten by the serpent and die by its poison. This was depicted during a previous Ragnarok cycle, as seen in Thor #293.

  7. Here, Blitziana reminds her teammates that they were given a second lease on life thanks to the High Evolutionary. Prior to their transformation, the members of the Godpack were all criminals who were killed in a prisoner transport that was struck when the geneticist crash landed on Earth. He took their bodies and used them to create the Godpack. See Thor #373.

Thor #486

Thor #486

Thor #488

Thor #488